Efter installation av WithSecure Linux Security 64 returneras följande felmeddelanden relaterade till de saknade beroenden.
Do you accept this license agreement? The license agreement text is available at /opt/f-secure/linuxsecurity/doc/LICENSE
/var/opt/f-secure/linuxsecurity/download/linuxsecurity-1200-linux-x86_64/1562587205/content/setup: package 'fuse-libs.x86_64' is not installed
2019-07-19 13:11:56 src/fsbootstrap.c:417[7] executing '/var/opt/f-secure/linuxsecurity/download/linuxsecurity-1200-linux-x86_64/1562587205/content/setup' failed, result 256
2019-07-19 13:11:56 src/fsbootstrap.c:209[7] install failed
Failed to activate the product!
Du måste installera nödvändiga beroenden.
- Avinstallera den aktuella WithSecure Linux Security 64-installationen
rpm -e f-secure-linuxsecurity
- Installera de saknade beroenden (exempel fuse-libs och libcurl )
yum install -y fuse-libs libcurl
- Installera om WithSecure Linux Security 64 genom att använda följande kommandon.
bash f-secure-linuxsecurity/f-secure-linuxsecurity-installer 2>&1 | tee ls64_install_2.log
Article no: 000014074

The content of this article has been machine translated from the English source article.
While reasonable efforts have been made to provide accurate translations, there may still be translation errors.