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problem download update malware definitions for an isolated Windows server 2016

KrisM Posts: 2 Security Scout



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ABOUT : 14.40 – F-secure policy manager

update malware definitions on an isolated Windows server 2016, via a machine that has Internet access. - punt 6

  • Run the tool:
    • Windows: fspm-definitions-update-tool.bat

The resulting archive contains the full set of the latest definitions and diffs to this version. If all data is up to date, no archive is generated.

  • Results in an error *** "deepguard-db" cannot be updated to version "1590658917"and missing other files



Policy Manager Definitions Update Tool

Checking for updates...

"fsoftupd" is already up-to-date

"hydra-win64" is already up-to-date

"hydra-win32" is already up-to-date

"commtouchunix" is already up-to-date

"ASPAM" is already up-to-date

"deepguard-db" cannot be updated to version "1590658917"

Update check completed. Could not download some updates, see the log for details.

see the log for details (in annex).


it seems that it doesn’t find the correct file;

Caused by: .\data\updates\deepguard-db\1590658917\header.json (The system cannot find the path specified)

and missing a lot of files;

Missing content for "antispam-win64" version "1586167883

Missing content for "aqualnx32" version "159059505228.05.2020

How can I solve this problem.


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