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Question about APi

Veronezzi Posts: 2 Security Scout

Good afternoon,

I'm trying to use f-secure api-key, but when i try to authenticate, the follow error ocour:

"code": 3030,

            "message": "login.error.badCredentials"

i'm using postman to do this process, i already add my username and password on the Authorization tab, i'm doing something wrong?

Best Regards

Guilherme Veronezzi


  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 561 W/ Moderator

    Hi Guilherme

    Please let me know what account type is your company ?

    As far as I know, only the reseller partner with the PSB Advanced subscription who logon as a Solution Provider can generate the PSB Management API key.

  • Veronezzi
    Veronezzi Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Good morning James,

    I have acess to a Api Key, but i can't do the authentication

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 561 W/ Moderator

    Hi Veronezzi

    I suggest to open a support ticket ( with us and provide the following info to troubleshoot:

    1) X-Transaction

    2) username

    3) account name that has x-api-key

This discussion has been closed.
