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Two Questions

Seeker7 Member Posts: 5 Junior Protector
  1. How to search the forum?
  2. How to End the Connection Control Session? i've finished paying and want to visit other web pages and keep getting this very annoying message telling me that I have to end toe connection control session but it doesn't tell me how to end. Just how to visit anther web page while maintaining the session control.

Best Answer

  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 205 W/ Former Staff


    1. To search for information in the Community, use the search bar on the main page of the Community or in the respective product boards. You can find the search bar on the right side of each product board.
    2. To set Connection control so it does not interrupt with your active connections, change the settings locally.

    Open the Computer Protection.

    Go to Settings and chose Connection control.

    Tick the checkbox Do not interrupt my active internet connections.

    Press OK.


  • Seeker7
    Seeker7 Member Posts: 5 Junior Protector

    Hi MonikaL

    1. Thank you. I was looking further up the page for the search box.
    2. Eventually I noticed a big green tick at the top of the screen and clicked on that and I could then end the connection control session. I do not want to permanently disable the feature.


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