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Updating Email and Server Security Server2008

fuji Posts: 1 Security Scout

Hi, we installed Email and Server Security -software on Server2008. The installation vent smoothly and works well ,but the sofware can't connect to the F-secure service for updating or for registeration. The Server2008 is connected to internet and connections works well. What might be the problem?


  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 205 W/ Former Staff


    With F-Secure Automatic Update Agent, virus and spam definition database updates are retrieved automatically when they are published to F-Secure Update Server. The General page > Statistics displays information on the latest update. Click Check for updates now to check that the product is using the latest database updates. If the virus and spam databases are not up-to-date, updates are downloaded automatically.

    Click View automatic updates log to view the update log file (fsaua.log). In the General page, you can edit general settings to specify how the product connects to F-Secure Update Server; whether you want to use automatic updates; and how often the product checks for new updates.

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