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Green frame around applications

Outonalimb Posts: 6 Security Scout


A few of our users are reporting a green frame with green tick box appearing around their application windows. Is this something that F-Secure is doing? If so, can we disable this?

See attached image for an example.


Best Answer

  • linck_tello
    linck_tello Posts: 51 Digital Defender


    This is a Connection Control "green tick box".

    "Connection control automatically detects secure connections to online banking web sites, and blocks any connections that do not go to the intended site. When you open an online banking web site, only connections to online banking web sites, or to web sites that are considered safe for online banking, are allowed."

    You can disable in the F-Secure PSB Portal in the Profile / Browsing protection / Connection control


    Linck Tello Flores

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