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How can i detect if Browsing Protection by F-Secure is ENABLED by registry or by file?

eprechel Posts: 2 Security Scout


i am writing a script to read the settings, if user had deactivated the setting.

The only thing i found is the regystrykey "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge\PreferenceMACs\Default\extensions.settings\jmjjnhpacphpjmnnlnccpfmhkcloaade"

On my PC it has following values:

ECE95EB6B71EC02456E4BFCE4FAC769441F3DF162633445D07EC23C05DFA6149 (if enabled)

F0812E14618BA59EAB831BA86CEB16FAD801EB6310DF76C07076200C71BEB17D (if disabled)

But on another Computer it has different values:

948A424F63E6F6EFF6110599A39C4A489EF2EC870FC2B14954EC2E3F14C97623 (enabled)

C0B9245B2B08D21999DA02540BB6A6588AF7960CF338B0EB1F671EBD3C621809 (disabled)

How can i determine, if this extension is activated?

It this is not possible, how can i activate this extension over GroupPolicy and do not allow to user to change its value?


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