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Getting ERROR 577 starting F-Secure Ultralight Services

Maurilio Posts: 2 Security Scout

From nowhere one computer in my network does not start F-Secure propely anymore and constantly asks for a system restart.

Three services, F-Secure Ultralight Network Hoster, F-Secure Ultralight Hoster and F-Secure Ultralight Protected Hosted, won't start. When I try to force I get the message "Error 577: Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file.A recent hardware or software change might have installed a filed that was signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source"

I tried to reinstall f-secure, but the problem persists. The Manager shows nothing adnormal. Windows Firewall and Defenfer are desable. 

Can someone help me to figure out how to solve this?

Windows 7 SP1, Client 14.22

Protection Malfunction. Restart your computer.

Best Answer


  • Maurilio
    Maurilio Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Thanks for the answer.

    In order to install the suggested KB, we also had to install this other one: kb4490628

This discussion has been closed.
