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Bug-report: Full disk access warning in macOS Big Sur

karlemilnikka Posts: 10 Security Scout

When running F-Secure Computer Protection on macOS Big Sur 11.4 (stable release) or macOS Monetrey beta 3 (developer preview), the status window says it lacks the full disk access permission, even though it has it. Removing and adding the permission doesn’t solve the issue. The status indicator in the menu bar does however state that everything is working (“computer is protected” next to a green check-mark).

Tested with:

  • F-Secure CP 17.10 (36471) on macOS Big Sur 11.4
  • F-Secure CP and RDR 17.10 (36471) on macOS Monterey beta 3

Best Answer

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 555 W/ Moderator

    Hi, About Full Disk Access — we have notified a new build with the fix being out. 36471 is an old build.


  • karlemilnikka
    karlemilnikka Posts: 10 Security Scout

    I see. I had to manually uninstall and reinstall a newer build. Thanks for the quick reply.

    Best regards

    Karl Emil Nikka

  • owenj7920
    owenj7920 Posts: 1 Security Scout

    I have also faced the same problem. But after going through the post my issues were resolved. Thanks a lot.

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