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Error during installion of f-secure-mdr-1.0.23-1.x86_64 in Linux machine

Malar Posts: 2 Security Scout

Hi, why do i get the above error during installion of f-secure-mdr-1.0.23-1.x86_64 in Linux machine 


  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 552 W/ Moderator


    This appears to be connectivity issues to our backend. Please ensure the follow traffic is open:

    Network configuration

    The client requires a network connection to operate properly. It silently collects activity from the endpoint on which it is installed and then submits a representation of this data to the F-Secure backend. To guarantee proper transmission, the endpoints need to be able to communicate over HTTP (some content is transferred over HTTP to optimize network usage, but is secured with cryptographically secure signatures) and HTTPS, with various subdomains owned by F-Secure:

    * (ports 80 and 443)

    * (port 443)

    The client's response functionality requires access to the following domains in Amazon Web Services: (port 443) (port 443) (port 443)

  • Malar
    Malar Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Thanks for your response. So, should we enable the port in Amazon?

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 552 W/ Moderator

    Yes, please enable that port on AWS too.

This discussion has been closed.
