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Security cloud connectivity

Seeker7 Member Posts: 5 Junior Protector

On the dashboard one PC has this message:

Security cloud connectivity Unstable

htt ps://

(without the space after htt)

What does it mean and what can I do about it?


Best Answer

  • MikaArasola
    MikaArasola Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 88 W/ Product Leadership

    We added visibility into client connectivity problems to the portal to make it easier to identify if a firewall is blocking connections. The initial implementation was a bit sensitive, and it seems like some setups where devices wake up from sleep / open VPN connection could result in failed connection attempts from the clients and show up as a problem in the portal.

    We have since tuned this to be less sensitive, so now these usual cases should not show up as a problem.

    The main thing that customers could keep an eye out for is cases where connectivity is totally blocked - or alternatively you are still seeing problems. The action here could then be to check your firewall / proxy configuration to ensure that the clients are able to connect to the URL that is highlighted.


  • ysi_it_support
    ysi_it_support Posts: 1 Security Scout

    I am seeing the same notation for one of m devices. Any suggestions interpretations and action(s) to take?

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 561 W/ Moderator


    Connectivity issues to the F-Secure Security Cloud:

    By default the product checks the files using the F-Secure Security Cloud. If the connectivity to the Security Cloud is blocked, it may cause degraded performance on the device, since the product will be unable to check the whitelisted files from the cloud and DeepGuard will start to aggressively monitor applications.

    You can read more about the purpose, function and benefits of F-Secure Security Cloud from here.

    If you have Security Cloud enabled, make sure that the product is able to access the following domain ranges:

    • *
    • *

    If you need a more precise list of addresses, you can view all the required addresses with the F-Secure Connectivity Tool, which is available in the installation folders of Computer Protection or Server Protection. With the tool you can view the list of addresses and check you connection to them.

    The tool is located in the following folder:

    • Computer Protection and Server Protection: C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\PSB\ui\fsconnectionchecker.exe

This discussion has been closed.
