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Clients from evaluation period can't connect to EDR portal

lauraled Posts: 3 Security Scout


we switched from an evaluation license to a full subscription of EDR. However, some clients from our evaluation phase can't connect to the EDR portal, because they are apparently still registered with the old license. This article describes my problem exactly:

But the link with the hotfix is expired :(

Can you please update the link in the article or propose another way to solve this problem (apart from reinstalling the client)?

Best Answer

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 559 W/ Moderator


    I have messaged you the link to the hotfix. Please try that and let me know


  • lauraled
    lauraled Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Hi, thanks for your help. The hotfix worked great and I was able to register all hosts without having to reinstall the F-Secure Client 🙂

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