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SSO & Identity Federation SAML / OIDC

Arnaud Posts: 1 Security Scout

Is it possible to delegate the access to Elements Endpoint Protection Account (and E Vulnerability Management Portal) using ADFS/SAML/SAML2 or OIDC as it is proposed by most of Cloud Solutions today.

It seems that TOTP is supported but this is limited to smartphone owners which is not the case of all collaborators within large companies. Using Smartcards/USB Token or any other methods will be great. So if federation protocols are supported, this can work.

Thank you 

Best Answer

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 560 W/ Moderator


    At this moment the only protocol supported is OAuth2.0 . We are working on a new OneID version which is going to support SAML and OIDC


  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 560 W/ Moderator


    I am checking with the product team and will get back to you.

This discussion has been closed.
