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Profiles not saving if automated task is added

Yamsp Posts: 1 Security Scout


I am growing quite frustrated that we got our licenses for client and proceeded to set up profile(s) for clients.

Everything in profiles does save but when we are adding even single automated task then profile will not save. Save and publish keeps rolling its dots and is grayed out.

I did request support with ticket but have not got any answer for it.

I even created new clean profile and added automated task to it but exactly same problem.

Is it just me or is it more wide problem currently happening?

Best Answer

  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 288 W/ Moderator

    Hi @Yamsp

    There was a known issue that was solved on 30.5.2022 at 15:30 CET. In the event that you still encounter this issue, try logging out and logging back into Elements Endpoint Protection. Should the problem persists, you may provide us with the support ticket reference number so we can ask the support team to expedite the investigation.

This discussion has been closed.
