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Encrypt drive in profile

MTjee393 Posts: 8 Security Scout


You can encrypt a drive if you select the device.

But is it possible to enable encrypted drive through the profile? I cannot find that..

kind regards,


Best Answers

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 561 W/ Moderator

    Hi @MTjee393 ,

    Encrypting Drive via profile is not possible currently, but we are planning to add this feature soon.

  • MTjee393
    MTjee393 Posts: 8 Security Scout

    Tx Jamesch!


  • MikaArasola
    MikaArasola Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 88 W/ Product Leadership

    Please notice that "soon" could mean a few months, currently I expect this would be added in Q2 (April - June) time period but it might still change.

  • MikaArasola
    MikaArasola Staff, Product Leadership Posts: 88 W/ Product Leadership

    Hi! Just a follow up on this, it's taking longer then expected as developers have had to work on higher priority items. We are still committed to implementing this functionality, but it might take until closer to the end of the year.

This discussion has been closed.
