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[Feature request] Assign profile based on user logged on

Ferrara TUA
Ferrara TUA Posts: 4 Security Scout


i would like to suggest a new feature:

the ability to apply a profile to device (windows 10 pc) based on the user that logged on

In our specific case: we use web site black list in profile to deny access to some old internal hardware that have a web interface without logon, so any internal user knowing the ip can open it. With the black list in device profile we achived to deny access to these devices for the users not allowed, but occasionally users switch device, so currently we have to manually swap profile to the device

Thank you


Best Answers

  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 298 W/ Moderator
    edited March 2023 Solved

    Hi Roberto,

    I would like to thank you for submitting a feature request, but we do not have a separate board for feature requests on our community page.

    Our best recommendation would be to raise a feature request, or an idea, directly with us via Elements Security Center > Profile logo( top right corner)> My Feedback functionality. which takes the portal user to

    Or get in touch with sales contact. If you do not know who your WIthSecure sales contact is or are unable to reach them, please open a support ticket and your feature request will be relayed to the developers.

  • Ferrara TUA
    Ferrara TUA Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Thank you for suggestion, i will try


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