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How is "Application control" "Target certificate hash" calculated?

Nmjaat W/ Member Posts: 7 Junior Protector

Does it means for example

Fingerprint sha256: "81:37:05:1B:32:A6:F0:C4:32:B5:9A:C4:38:0C:33:7A:51:6B:98:AE:A9:B8:A7:E1:97:A2:8E:C6:F6:61:31:5E"

Best Answer

  • JamesC
    JamesC W/ Partner, W/ Staff, W/ Moderator Posts: 509 Moderator

    Hi @Nmjaat

    You may refer to the Elements Portal Application Control help page:

    Target certificate hash

    Returns the sha256 of the certificate hash that signed the target binary file. You can take certificate hash from the 'Thumbprint' field in the certificate properties and encode it with sha256


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