Viewing versions With Secure 16.00

Neo14000 Member Posts: 9 Security Scout
edited December 2024 in Business Suite

Hello, I installed With Secure Policy Manager 16.01 over a month ago and I started installing With Secure Client Security 16.00 however on the Policy Manager console when the computers are in version 16.00 the version it displays and version 15.30? Is there a way to correct this problem because I cannot have a global vision of the PCs with version 16.00 which remains disturbing

Best Answers

  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 299 W/ Moderator

    Hi @Neo14000

    In your particular situation, we kindly request you to collect the Wsdiag (formerly fsdiag) logs and contact our WithSecure Support team for further investigation. By providing us with these logs, we will be able to identify the exact root cause of the issue and offer you an appropriate solution. Thank you for your cooperation.

    Best regards,
    Community Moderator | Technical Support Engineer

  • Neo14000
    Neo14000 Member Posts: 9 Security Scout

    Hello, sorry for the delay.

    Here are the solutions to my problem.

    I went to this place in my Policy Manager at my root entity:
    Settings (standard view) > Centralized management > Policy Manager server address
    And no address was entered so I entered the address of my f-secure server and that solved my problem

    Best regards

  • Neo14000
    Neo14000 Member Posts: 9 Security Scout

    Hello, sorry for the delay.

    Here are the solutions to my problem.

    I went to this place in my Policy Manager at my root entity:
    Settings (standard view) > Centralized management > Policy Manager server address
    And no address was entered so I entered the address of my f-secure server and that solved my problem

    Best regards


  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 299 W/ Moderator
    edited November 2023

    Hi @Neo14000

    Thank you for reaching out the WithSecure Community,

    Have you upgraded the Policy Manager and Client Security to version 16.x on top of the previous version 15.x? Are you currently using VPN software on your client machine?

    We have encountered similar cases in the past where the Client Security in the Policy Manager (PM) console continues to appear as an older version. We suspect that there may be a connection issue when hosts report back to PM through a VPN connection. To troubleshoot this, we can try increasing the FSMA polling interval.

    To increase the FSMA polling interval, please follow these steps:

    In the Policy Manager console, select "Root" under the domain tree.Click on "Settings" and switch to the Advanced View.Navigate to "F-Secure Management Agent > Settings > Communications > Protocols > HTTP."Increase the value of the "Host Polling Interval" to 1 hour. Click the lock icon to finalize the changes.Distribute the updated policies.

    If the problem persists, please follow these steps for additional investigation:

    Check the connection issue between the Client and Policy Manager.

    a) Open a web browser on the client machine and connect to your Policy Manager using the following format: https://<Policy Manager Server address or IP address>:<443> and http://<Policy Manager Server address or IP address>:<80>

    If the client can contact the Policy Manager, the web page should display a message like "If you see this message, WithSecure™ Policy Manager Server is installed and is working fine."


    a) Open a command prompt with elevated mode.

    b) Perform a nslookup for your Policy Manager server and check the result.

    If the nslookup fails, you'll need to investigate connection issues within your network environment.

    Let me know if you need further assistance or have any other questions.

    Best regards,
    Community Moderator | Technical Support Engineer

  • Neo14000
    Neo14000 Member Posts: 9 Security Scout


    I actually migrated my Policy Manager server to version 16.01 and some machines to Security Clients 16.00. To return to your recommendations, I can no longer find the "advanced settings" in version 16.00 of policy manager. Is this normal? When I enter the IP address of my WithSecure server it gives me the message that they communicate well together, the same goes for NSLookup, does this not come from Policy Manager which does not know the difference between 15.30. and 16.00? Have you ever had similar errors?

  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 299 W/ Moderator

    Hi @Neo14000

    »I can no longer find the "advanced settings" in version 16.00 of policy manager. Is this normal?«

    Follow these steps to enable the Advanced View in Policy Manager 16 (PMC):

    1. Open PMC (Policy Manager Console).
    2. Navigate to the "Tools" menu.
    3. Choose the "Preferences" option.
    4. In the "Appearance" tab, locate the option: "Make advanced mode available for Settings and Status pages."
    5. Enable the Advanced View by checking this option.

    By following these steps, you can activate the Advanced View feature in Policy Manager 16.

    »does this not come from Policy Manager which does not know the difference between 15.30. and 16.00? Have you ever had similar errors?«

    Try the following troubleshoot steps:

    a) Delete one of the problematic hosts (shows older ver 15.x) from domain tree.

    b) Restart the computer.

    c) Re-import the host in the PM

    You can now check the software version display in Policy Manager console and let us know how it goes.

    or re-install the CS 16 then import again.

    Best regards,
    Community Moderator | Technical Support Engineer

  • Neo14000
    Neo14000 Member Posts: 9 Security Scout

    I'm writing to you because after trying your method, it still doesn't work. Furthermore, as I have a fairly large computer population (over 1900 PCs), doing this by hand on each PC is likely to be a fairly repetitive task.

    I've also noticed that if I install a version 16 PC directly, Policy Manager doesn't detect it; the PC remains in the "Unmanaged" category. On the other hand, if I install a version 15.30 and update it to 16.00, it works fine on the PC, even though the Policy Manager still displays the PC as "15.30".

    Finally, since the PCs have been updated to version 16.00, Policy Manager displays a red cross in front of the host, which means that it hasn't been contacted for 30 days, and this for all the hosts on which I've performed the update.

  • JaysonLHSM
    JaysonLHSM Posts: 1 Security Scout

    Hi Neo14000

    I have a same issue (client version 16.00 installed but version 15.30 always detected in console).

    You have find a solution ?


  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 299 W/ Moderator

    Hi @JaysonLHSM

    Thank you for reaching out the WithSecure Community,

    For your scenario, please check and provide us the following required information.

    1. If the Client Security in the Policy Manager console still appears as an older version, kindly provide information on the Client Security version displayed in the Policy Manager console. Screenshots would be appreciated.
    2. Could you please share your exact Policy Manager version and build details?
    3. Have you attempted a push installation of Client Security from the Policy Manager or installed it using the MSI installer?

    Additionally, have you explored the following steps as potential workarounds?

    a) Remove one of the problematic hosts (displaying an older version) from the domain tree.

    b) On the problematic host, launch the command prompt with elevated privileges (run as administrator).

    c) Execute the command below to stop the WithSecure Hoster service:

    net stop fshoster

    d) Restart the service with the command:

    net start fshoster

    e) Allow a few minutes for the host to report back to the Policy Manager console. The duration may vary based on the number of hosts managed by the Policy Manager.


    a) Remove one of the problematic hosts from the domain tree.

    b) Restart the computer.

    Please verify the displayed software version in the Policy Manager console after these steps and inform us of the outcome. Feel free to reach out for further assistance if needed.

    Best regards,
    Community Moderator | Technical Support Engineer

  • SecurMander
    SecurMander Member Posts: 18 Security Scout


    I join the discussion because I have the same problem. Clients are on v.16 but version 15.30 always detected in console.
    I've tried to follow your steps but it doesn't work. I removed the client from the domain tree but it doesn't appear in the console… I've tested the connection from the client with "wsconcheckhelper.exe" and everything seems fine, connection is established with the server.

    I also have another problem: in the console, some clients show up that the upgrade is still in progress while it ended up. After a client reboot, the message is still there.

    Any idea to solve these 2 problems please ?

  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 299 W/ Moderator

    Hi @SecurMander

    For your first issue regarding "Clients are on v.16 but version 15.30 always detected in console.", you need generate the WSdiag from the host and reach our WS support. Refer this thread.

    For your second issue regarding "some clients show up that the upgrade is still in progress while it ended up". We would suggest the following steps one by one to see if that works.

    1. Start by removing the previous policy-based installation stuck in "in progress" status. To do this, select the operation and click "clear row".
    2. Reboot the affected machines and attempt the upgrade again.

    If the issue persists, try upgrading the software locally with the following steps:

    1. Log in to the Policy Manager Console.
    2. Navigate to the installation tab.
    3. Click on "Installation packages".
    4. For Client Security, select the "wscs-16.00.8376.jar" (downloading latest .JAR from here) and click "export".
    5. Configure the installation file as needed.
    6. Copy the exported .msi file to one of the affected machines and execute the installation.
    7. If the installation completes successfully, the client should update and report the newer version to the Policy Manager.

    Best regards,
    Community Moderator | Technical Support Engineer

  • SecurMander
    SecurMander Member Posts: 18 Security Scout


    Thanks for reply.

    About the second issue: the problem is not the upgrade that works as well but that the policy manager console doesn't update this information.
    If I clear the row, I just bypass this information. The purpose is to be sure that clients have been updated without checking one by one because I manage a certain numbers of clients and this is not reasonable for me.

    Best regards

  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 299 W/ Moderator

    Hi @SecurMander

    Noted and thanks for the additional information about the issue, we understand the significance of conducting a thorough analysis and investigation of the diagnostic report in order to identify the precise root causes of the issue you are facing. To provide you with the best possible support, we recommend reaching out to our dedicated support team as mentioned earlier here.

    By contacting our support team as directed, you will be able to receive the necessary assistance and guidance to address your concerns effectively.

    Best regards,
    Community Moderator | Technical Support Engineer

This discussion has been closed.
