WithSecure and Teams are not compatible / WithSecureとTeamsの相性が悪い

hacci Member Posts: 1 Security Scout

「WithSecure Elements EPP for Computers」をMACに入れてたのですが
最近ステータスが「✕」で、「新しいシステム拡張を許可する」・「完全なセキュリティを提供する為に、フルディスクアクセスを許可する」の許可が求められてます。それらをオンする為に、「WithSecure Agent」 と「WithSecure system Extension」をオンするとステータスは正常になりますが、なぜかMicrosoftTeamsを開くのに時間かかるようになります。オフするとTeamsは正常に動きます。どちらも正常に動作させるにはどうすれば宜しいでしょうか


  • LiselotteP
    LiselotteP Staff, Community Manager Posts: 472 W/ Community Manager

    Here is the English version:

    I have "WithSecure Elements EPP for Computers" installed on my Mac, but recently the status shows an "X," and I am prompted to "Allow the new system extension" and "Grant Full Disk Access for complete security." When I enable "WithSecure Agent" and "WithSecure System Extension," the status returns to normal, but for some reason, it takes longer to open Microsoft Teams. If I turn these off, Teams functions normally. What should I do to ensure both work properly?

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 561 W/ Moderator

    Hi @hacci

    Thank you for reaching out WithSecure.

    Please continue the discussion on your case FF 054xxx07
