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how to have email report with listo of failed login


i made a widget to see failed login on my devices, it works well and i made a email report.
If i click on the simple (1 line) graph i can see the list of event on the devices with login error.

Question: how o can receive email report directly with the list of wrong login without each time click on graphs, login in portal, select graphs again etc etc,,, very annoying…


  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 287 W/ Moderator
    edited November 12

    Hi @marcottt

    Thank you for reaching out the WithSecure Community,

    You can refer to the following article to know more about how to create custom email report in the Elements Portal:

    How to create a custom email report for Elements Endpoint Protection? - WithSecure Community

  • marcottt
    marcottt Posts: 4 Security Scout

    i tried but did not work for me, i receive again the stupid 1 line graphs, instead in "modify email report" i have a notification saying "the model is not modificable" (i think, traslated from italian).

    near that text, there is a small "i" and a text "Per inviare via e-mail un PDF contenente le dashboard selezionate, devi prima aggiungere il widget a "La mia vista report". Fungeranno automaticamente dal modello.

    Nota: eventuali modifiche alla "Vista salvata" selezionata non saranno visibili nel report. Per aggiornare il report, dovrai crearne uno nuovo."

    but i cannot find the option indicate or cannot understand what to do.

  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 287 W/ Moderator
    edited November 13

    Hi @marcottt

    Could you please share a screenshot of the error or modification issue for better understanding? This will help me review the details and follow up with our backend team.
