Elements Endpoint Protection Portal Changelog

PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
The WithSecure Elements Endpoint Protection Portal changelog provides users with detailed updates, enhancements, and bug fixes related to the WithSecure Elements Endpoint Protection Portal.

For the most recent updates, please click here to see the most recent changelog (only accessible for logged-in users).

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  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201603231049-1bdd4dc


    General changes:

    • Login page: "create company account" link works now. New company self registration email sent to the user after the self registration
    • Scope selector works better with long company names
    • 'Add New Subscription' wizard is added in the for partners
    • Operations can be made to devices over the company barriers from the search results. E.g. you can search all computers having the same label and then assign operation to them in on go.
    • Top handled infections: do not cut the infection names with "..."
    • SWUP operation buttons are disabled until operation completely created

    New profile editor changes:

    • Profile migrations don't fail anymore with the duplicate rows in firewall rules
    • Added "Allow local uninstall of F-Secure products" as a new setting in the General category
    • Add "Enable WMI Provider" as a new setting in the General category


  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201604040305-7398791


    General changes:

    • Separate Software Updates pie on home page. Protection status pie does not anymore count missing software updates as red and yellow warning. This protection status pie change is also done for old portal, but we won't add there the own Software Updates -pie.
    • Device listings (and most other listings) are now more compact – more data on a screen, little less scrolling.
    • Unnecessary device pictures are removed from home page to fit more relevant data on a screen, computer and mobile device amounts are with the pies and hovers are also added to the pies.
    • ”Sometimes empty page after login” bug is fixed.
    • UI logging the user out accidentally should happen a lot less now (there migth still be something to fix with this later)
    • ”Security level” has been replaced everywhere with ”firewall profile” and ”internet shield” with ”firewall” (but sorry! Localizations come a little late and will be correct in other languages in the next release).
    • First time login info message is now shown with correct user selected language.

    New profile editor changes:

    • “Disable Windows Firewall, on/off” –settings is now in Firewall settings (switch disabling off to enable usage of Microsoft Direct Access); one of the missing settings that may have given some reason to need the full mode profile editor.
    • Improved usability for the Add service button in the Firewall tab.

    So far we have added following settings from old full mode profile editor to new profile editor:

    • Added "Allow local uninstall of F-Secure products" as a new setting in the General category (but sorry! For this feature to work properly there is actually a 2nd setting that needs to be either added or changed in all PSB profiles. We'll let you know later when this truly works for everyone.)
    • Add "Enable WMI Provider" as a new setting in the General category
    • “Disable Windows Firewall, on/off” –settings is now in Firewall settings


  • NickJ
    NickJ Posts: 29 Junior Protector
    edited 2024 20

    The new software updates pie is a nice addition.


    One thing that I think could be improved with this is the fact that currently, any clients that have the Software Updates feature disabled are classed as "Up-To Date". I think this is a little dangerous. In my opinion, if the machine hasn't been scanned and confirmed up-to date, then I should assume that it is not up-to date.


    For machines that have this feature disabled in the profile, I would prefer to see them reported as not up-to date, or have them excluded from the data.



  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201604181330-58840f0


    General changes:

    • Downloads section is now available from login page without need to login to the portal.
    • Partner is able to list devices over companies to find certain types of computers and make operations to them. Just select the "List view" mode from devices listing on partner level.
    • Software updates page has filters for selecting certain type of updates. E.g. you can show only "all security updates" missing from the computers.
    • Subscription key is now shown in own column in the subscription listing.
    • "Service partner" -management is implemented to level that you can manage the service partner accounts. Unfortunately we ran out of time for this release to add the "associate/disassociate" -company feature. This will be brought in with next release.
    • Company registration wizard now creates properly the user with the selected language.
    • Partner search: selection is reset when switching categories -bug is fixed.
    • Mobile device details: Wrong Overall protection statuses and icons -bug is fixed.

    New profile editor changes:

    • New profile editor now has the full helps for editing the tables. So the help is telling what needs to be inserted to each of the row and column.

    So far we have added following settings from old full mode profile editor to new profile editor:

    • Added "Allow local uninstall of F-Secure products" as a new setting in the General category (but sorry! For this feature to work properly there is actually a 2nd setting that needs to be either added or changed in all PSB profiles. We'll let you know later when this truly works for everyone.)
    • Add "Enable WMI Provider" as a new setting in the General category
    • “Disable Windows Firewall, on/off” –settings is now in Firewall settings


    PS. @NickJ - we are thinking on more improvements on how to handle the computers with disabled software updater. No promises yet on how we will do it.

    PS.. Reset password emails did not work properly from old portal in previous releases. They are now fixed to work correctly again.
    PS... Almost half of all profiles in PSB reseller portals have been already migrated to use the profile editor in new portal. So if you are just using the simple profile editor, no need to wait anymore for confirmation that new profile editor works correct - it does! So go and migrate your profiles now.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201605040306-1c52686


    General changes:

    • Partner Home page now has a warning and link to the subscriptions expiring in next 60 days so it is easy to find and renew them.
    • Partner level Subscription page has changed to use by default the "Valid subscriptions" -filter. So only companies with valid subscriptions are shown there.
    • Bug where refreshing the page with CTRL-R or F5 changed the language  from the defined one to English is now fixed.
    • Non authentication pages like login page and password reset pages are now shown in localized languages properly (on IE this depends on region and language of your OS).
    • Service partner management feature is now fully available. You can move companies to service partners and back to the solution provider. This has been changed also so, that if the move operation causes some orphan profiles, it will warn that these will be deleted.
    • Added "unknown" -name for computers without any identification information so that you can access their details. Unfortunately this also removed the whole Waiting for connection state for some of the computer. Sorry for that and we'll fix it in next releases.
    • Following smaller bug fixes:
      • APNS certificate vanishes from SOP account view, if you reload the page
      • Mobile device user editing doesn't activate 'Save' button, if there is something wrong in the original data.
      • Some administrators are unable to change the language of their user as save button does not activate.
      • Removing devices from partner search is not working.

    New profile editor changes:

    • Manual/scheduled scanning priority can be set to low or normal.
    • SWUP: installation time dropdown items order is now corrected.

    So far we have added following settings from old full mode profile editor to new profile editor:

    • "Allow local uninstall of F-Secure products" in the General category. This setting is now being fixed to work properly. To take it into use, you need to republish the profile that uses this setting.
    • "Enable WMI Provider" -setting in the General category
    • “Disable Windows Firewall, on/off” -setting in the Firewall category
    • "Enable normal priority scanning" -setting in the Manual scanning category


  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201605140306-c4943a7


    General changes:

    • Information message after login is not anymore shown to customers who have migrated to use the new profile editor.
    • Forgot my password and user account disabled emails have been updated to new look and feel.
    • The annoying bug that language changes when you refresh the browser is now fixed.
    • All old companies that do not have any subscriptions anymore are cleaned away at the same time as we cleanup the >7 month old expired subscriptions. This should clean up the portal for some of the old partners quite a lot.

    New profile editor changes:

    • You can control in profile editor, if windows updates are installed through the F-Secure Software Updater or not. Setting is at Software Updater > Install WSUS updates.

    So far we have added following settings from old full mode profile editor to new profile editor:

    • "Allow local uninstall of F-Secure products" in the General category. This setting is now fixed to work properly. To take it into use, you need to republish the profile that uses this setting.
    • "Enable WMI Provider" -setting in the General category
    • “Disable Windows Firewall, on/off” -setting in the Firewall category
    • "Enable normal priority scanning" -setting in the Manual scanning category
    • "Install WSUS updates" -setting in Software Updater category



    PS. We will not get the next release in 2 weeks as we just failed to get it working in current iteration. So next new features are coming in ~4 weeks time. Sorry for this Smiley Sad.


  • Valera
    Valera Posts: 3 Security Scout
    edited 2024 20

    Release 20160615163209_5a401eb
    After 5 weeks we finally released new version with few big changes inside.

    1. Totally new sales item: Freedome for Business with 3rd party MDM support. This is perfect for organizations that want to provide additional security for their mobile devices on top of the basic security features that their existing MDM solution already provides. Official release for this will happen on 29th of June.

    2. Subscriptions and computer search now moved to new search engine. This speeds up searches, allow us to change the search limit from the minimum of 3 characters to 2 (coming in next release) and make more columns being searchable.

      Please go try out this new search, as it is quite huge internal change and one thing that is really hard to test fully - people just come up in so many ways to search items that we cannot simulate all of them.  Any feedback is welcome.

    3. New settings added to New Profile Editor that were available in Full mode only:
      • Excluded applications aka NIF exclusions under Scanning exclusion category
      • Http proxy settings for automatic update agent under General settings category
      • Http proxy settings for software updater under Software updater category
      • Scan on system startup under Software updater category
      • SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4 ports under Email scanning category
      • Fixed the Browsing Protection: 'Block access when web site is rated harmful' setting to work as it should
    4. Totally new way of filtering devices from the devices list view. This will help you to perform the operations on the desired set of devices. User can apply up to three filters. Filtering is done in key value pair. For the first release, the filtering includes only seven filtering keypoints. In coming months more columns would be added. You can open filters with button filter.PNG located before search field.  See the picture to get more detailed idea about this feature.

    5. Link to Change Log in Suppport section added.
    6. Profile Editor's add new profile and table row edit have a separate Save button. This was done to fix a problems in entering Japanese characters with IME.
    7. Welcome email for end user installation and Create/Renew APN certificate e-mails have been updated to new look and feel.

    Valera on behalf of PSB team.

  • Valera
    Valera Posts: 3 Security Scout
    edited 2024 20

    Release 20160628030412_b2c44f7

    General changes:

    • Search keyword length limitation reduced to 2 characters
    • Freedome for Business devices get Protected state as far as Freedome statistics received
    • Freedome for Business with external MDM devices get Protected state on registration
    • Freedome for Business with external MDM device details are recieved from devices.
    • When admin creates new admin, it's not possible to set password anymore and link in new e-mail template leads new admin to set his own password.
    • Mobile devices list: 'Blocked malware' column removed from the 'Statistics' category
    • 'All' added to the export reports in Devices section action menu
    • Filtering UI improvements
    • Plenty of bugfixes

    Valera on behalf of PSB team.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201607081204-7610348


    General changes

    • Device filters support filtering with empty value and you can see the number of filtered out devices. Several other smaller improvements also for the device filters.
    • Full screen wizard buttons are always visible with sticky footer.
    • Fixed the long lasting bug for some customers, where Freedome for Business Overall protection status stayed as "Managed" even though device details page shows all data for the device. 
    • Fixed clear search button switching from mobiles to computers, if you are searching mobiles.



    PS. We have now added all settings from old full mode profile editor to new profile editor, which were asked from us in the initial feedback for profile migrations:

    • "Allow local uninstall of F-Secure products" in the General category.
    • "Enable WMI Provider" -setting in the General category
    • Http proxy settings for automatic update agent under General settings category
    • "Enable normal priority scanning" -setting in the Manual scanning category
    • SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4 ports under Email scanning category
    • Excluded applications aka NIF exclusions under Scanning exclusion category
    • “Disable Windows Firewall, on/off” -setting in the Firewall category
    • "Install WSUS updates" -setting in Software Updater category
    • Http proxy settings for software updater under Software updater category
    • Scan on system startup under Software updater category

    So there should not be any blockers for stopping the use of Java applets and migrate to new profile editor for anyone.

  • Valera
    Valera Posts: 3 Security Scout
    edited 2024 20

    General changes:

    • Reinstall product operation for Freedome for Business devices
    • Filtering and search results are combined
    • "Waiting for connection" computer state is shown in device list and details
    • Company name added to the SWUP installation history
    • Administrator is activated when welcome email is sent
    • It's possible to specify few emails on one string when adding computer
    • PSB reseives infections found by DeepGuard 
    • Filters have now Firewall, Application Control and Realtime Protection statuses
    • Old and New UI are ready to redirect anyone to New UI login page

    Also a lot of small issues fixed and improved.


    PSB team.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201608251235-b13e1d6 


    First of all, sorry for breaking all the trend reports and subscription usage reports with previous release. These have been fixed to work on all portals yesterday and new reports are available for today. But unfortunately we cannot generate back those missing caps for 1-2 weeks.


    This release has 2 quite big changes and then lot of smaller fixes and improvements.


    1.  PSB management API release

    • Management API is an integration interface that allows complete integration of the PSB management platform with a third party management system.The integration is intended to leverage organization’s existing investments and benefits from centralized management systems, for example by streamlining the administrator’s security related work.
    • All operations that are available through the Management Portal are also available through the Management API. This does not include ordering, which is done through the Partner Portal.
    • Mandatory API key and instructions on how to use the API are available for solution provider accounts from the "My account" menu when solution provider scope is selected.
    • API reference document is at https://help.f-secure.com/product.html#business/psb-rest-api/1.0.0/en and PSB API Quick Start Guide at https://reseller.f-secure.i-qbox.com/player2/index.aspx?LOID=907&lang=2
    • There is also a new section in the F-Secure Community for the PSB management API at https://community.f-secure.com/t5/PSB-management/bd-p/PSBAPI

    2. Software Updater value report

    • You can see all the software updates done for a the selected scope, as a proof what was done. First version includes a table of all the updates done with amount of computers. Later there will be also a graphical report available.
    • This new Software Updater report can be found from the Software updates section '...' -button with "Installed software updates" selection.

    Other changes

    • Infections are displayed now using the date and time when it was found on the client instead of the database insertion time.
    • Fixed case where login screen goes malcolored when user logs in from another browser tab.
    • Infections now also include infections found by manual scanning and by DeepGuard.
    • E-mail templates updated for the APN's certificate creation/renewal to match the current look and feel.
    • Fixed adding a mobile device details page to have correct mandatory fields.
    • All completed mobile operations are now reported with proper string, instead of the "device.detail.operations.status.completed".
    • Updated the Feedback page to have explanation that the feedback is limited to 500 characters.
    • Link from the profile search results, now opens also the root level profiles.

    Removed features:

    • Remove setting for "Show suspicious items after full computer check" from the new profile editor as it is not supported by the current client.

    PSB team

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201609070307-db6a156



    • Graphical Software Updater value report is now available at the bottom of the Reports > Protection status page.
    • Management API key is now validated, so it must match the real one from your solution provider account.
      • There is currently annoying bug that read-only users cannot get the API key currently. We will fix that in upcoming releases.
    • Highlight the selected row/rows in Device listing page.
    • Added subscription cleanup information to expired subscriptions view.
    • Fixed bug where computers got loaded if you quickly switched to Mobiles tab in Devices view
    • Critical security updates are first visible in the Software Updater reports.

    PSB team


  • NickJ
    NickJ Posts: 29 Junior Protector
    edited 2024 20

    Hello Petri,


    The software updater value report sounds very interesting. I would really like to see it, but it is not currently available in my portal (emea.psb.f-secure.com)


    When is the new version going to be applied to each portal? Or has it already done and I am looking in the wrong place?






  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Hi Nick,


    Here is an example picture how the report looks like:


    PSB4/EMEA2 portal is the only one that has it at the moment and as we never do upgrades on Friday to reduce the risk of having problems during weekend, rest of the portals will be upgraded next week. First post in this thread explains how you can check which version is your portal running.



  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201609200307-689712c


    Quite small release with just couple of bug fixes:

    • Mobile Security device removal was not working.
    • Total amount of found infections in the Protection status report was always 0.
    • New computer shows "device.protectionStatus.state.automaticUpdates.unknown" in device details instead of the proper text.
    • Added better help for Deepguard advanced process monitoring.

    While testing this release we also noticed one quite annoying bug in session handling of the new portal: all users get logged out always after 30 minutes, as the authentication token refreshing is not working properly. This got broken couple of releases back when we added more security checks to the system. Due to having incorrectly a different configuration in our testing environment compared to production environments this problem never showed up in our internal testing. This environment difference has been now fixed and next release will bring fix to this problem.


    PSB team

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201610030306-301c5e9


    Again a small release and we did not get the automatic 30 minute logout bug fixed. It turned out to be bit bigger problem with handling simultaneous calls. But it should get fixed with the next release.


    Changes in this release

    • Added the date when the computer was added to portal as Registration date column to Central Management category. 
    • Added more information to infection emails for scheduled, manual scanning and Deepguard alerts.
    • Added installation instructions link to Freedome for Business installation e-mail.
    • Added API URLs to the get API key wizard.

    PSB team.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201610150307-b15ad76


    First of this release fixes one very nasty bug, that got introduced in previous release: Infection alert emails are not being sent for all accounts. So please check from the portal infections page, that you haven't missed some infection information.


    This 30 minute automatic logout turned out be lot more complex than we originally thought and it is still not fixed. Some customers will notice already improvement with this release, but bug is not yet fixed fully.


    Then to some positive changes: PSB Portal user interface is clearly snappier now. We did a bit of backend magic and we've measured the change. The roundtrip times of 340-360ms calls between the Management REST API and the PSB backend are down to 200-220ms. This is just enough for a sharp eye to to notice the difference on PSB portal UI and to appreaciate the increase of quality.


    Rest of the changes in this release:

    • Fixed a bug where associating a company to Service Partner account removed assigned profiles from computers which where using a profile that belongs to Solution provider. When this bug hit a computer, it got the company default profile assigned, when it communicated next time with the backed.
    • Fixed the loading of reports on the reports page for some Solution provider accounts.
    • You can add multiple e-mail addresses when adding a device.
    • REST API integrations are now possible using read-only administrators.
    • Added the date when the computer was added to portal as Registration date to device detail page.
    • PSB Mobile Security device details are updated immediately for fresh installation when you open the device details page. With current release, you often need to reload the details page for this to work properly. This will be fixed to work always with the opening in next release.

    We are also starting the process of shutting down the old portal on 14th of Dec 2016. As a first step we updated text in old portal login page specifying the portal shutdown information.


    PSB team.



  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201610311021-a6347e5


    • Solution providers can CO-brand their portal:
      • They can add their own logo in portal beside the F-Secure logo.
      • They can change the the support link to point to their own support instead of the F.-Secure support.
      • This customization functionality is found on Solution provider level Accounts page under the "..." button next to Account management.
    • Very first release of the The F-Secure Help:
      • With this release we just enable the technology on every page with a "?" on right top corner and it opens a way to access the "Help" portal.
      • Very soone we will start adding new scenario helps, that guide the user through the more demanding flows. First flows to get covered will be Device Search, Software Updater and APNS certificate creation.
      • We will also use this technology to promote the "What's new" in the portal.
      • This content can and will be updated without need to make new portal releases.
    • Fixes to the 30 minute automatic logout problem:
      • Now the portal behaves in following manner: Inactivity period has been increased from 20 to 60 minutes, so even if you don't touch the portal for almost an hour, you can continue using it from where you left. Once every 12 hours you are forced to login again to the portal.
      • We are still seeing very random and rare scenarios in our testing, where user gets logged out after few hour and we are working on ironing them away too. But let us know through the Feedback in the portal, if you are still suffering from the automatic logouts.
    • We've changed the Freedome for Business on the Android to use Google Play-based installation and upgrades. Because the distribution method of the Android freedome app changes so fundamentally, there was no good way found to enable automatic updating of the Freedome app. The old version of Freedome keeps working until the user goes and finds the app from the appstore and clicks update. After this the upgrades will work automatically from Google Play. All new installations get the latest version from Google Play.
    • We have changed the infection emails configurations to be account independent. So now, if you want to get emails on solution provider level for all companies, it is enough to configure this on the solution provider level. Previously you also needed to configure it on company level.
    • Fixed the duplicate help text in English for https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Business/Help-text-duplication/td-p/87490. Localized fixes will come in next release.

    PSB Team.


  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Warning about the new CO-branding feature: we found out today, that if you use this customization functionality, it will actually make it impossible to log in to the old portal using your solution provider credentials. New portal works perfectly fine, but old one doesn't.

    We are working on fix to this currently and will have it in the next release soon.

    PSB team.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Release 201611111324-c6a5450


    As some of you noticed the new  CO-branding feature did not work on all servers immediately after the update. We had forgotten couple of critical configuration changes from the production system configs that caused this. All of the systems have been now fixed to work.


    One warning - once you upload a new logo to the portal it can sometimes take really long before it shows up. We have seen even times like 1 hour for a changed logo to show up due to content delivery update network delays.


    Then to the actual changes in this release:

    • Added 'Label' to the device filtering options.
    • Improved the APNS certificate setup process, so that iOS installations would not fail so often as the APNS certificate is missing or wrongly setup.
    • Changed the order of the links on the Support section to be more natural.
    • Fixed the bug where you cannot login to old UI after logo has been uploaded to new portal.
    • Fixed a bug where email for installation does not have links for downloading installers, if SOP is customized.

    PSB team

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    This is the last release for year 2016 with following changes:

    • Access to old portal will stop on 14th of December and after that the link to it at the bottom of login screen will be removed. All solution providers who have not yet migrated to use the new profile editor will get migrated to it by F-Secure after the old portal shutdown.
    • Maintenance breaks are now reported properly in the login dialog error messages.
    • Infection notification emails have proper local time and date instead of the timestamp. They also inlude the Recipient properly. And these mails no longer have clickable links to fix the security problem mentioned here.
    • Accounts and subscriptions page sorting is fixed to be case insensitive.


    PSB team.


    PS. Next release is going to happen most likely somewhere in mid January 2017, so bit of X-mas and new years break from the normal 2 weeks cycle.


  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20



    we have just now published the first real batch of F-Secure Help content into PSB production portals. For now, for all users, we have the following walkthroughs and tips in our production servers (available in all languages):

    • What’ New. Each time something real changes in the portal, we can inform customers through a popup that will be shown the first time they log in.
    • Help Menu items. The help menu now contains three more items: What’s New, Search for Devices, and Software Updates.
    • APNS guidance. Whenever you try to add a Freedome for Business subscription the first time, a popup will ask you whether you want to configure Aplle APNS certificate first.
    • Hover-over help for searching for devices and device filters. These helps will appear when you hover over the device search and search filter fields on the Devices page.

    PSB team.


  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20

    Happy new year - we are back in business of releasing.


    Sorry for the X-mas break taking over 3 months instead of the planned month. This new feature with all the architectural changes just turned out to be 3 times more complicated that we originally thought.

    6 month reporting

    • Seeing a long timeline is essential, when you need to understand past events and correlate them with the current system state - for example when studying a security incident. You need to know what happened, when, and where. Being able to track trends over longer periods of time is also especially valuable in identifying patters for further analysis.
    • In order to provide better reporting and logging, we have increased the virus alert retention of data from 28 days up-to 6 months. 
    • You can also take CSV exports from any selected time frame of the infections up to 6 months. And there are no limits on how much data you can exports like in the old implementation.
    • Data collection for this feature started already in mid December, so you can already now see over 3 months of data there.
    • Note! There are couple of limitations with the reporting: 1) Infections exporting is English only (no localized header names nor values for Type and Action columns) and 2) localized sorting of Type and Action columns is not working correctly.


    Summary report can be emailed to the account that is logged in.

    • This report has the data of the current security status, list of incidents over the reporting period, and actions that have been taken to maintain the security level.

    • Later on this feature will be extended to have scheduled reports for companies.


    Service Partners can now start using the public REST API. They can now get their own API Key from the portal and use that for integrations.


    Other smaller improvements and fixes:

    • More clearer downloads page.
    • Localization fixes for Slovenian language.
    • Fixed the Mac client download link to work in IE11.
    • Fixed editing Mobile profile to work even if the Mobile profile doesn't have a description.
    • Fixed that you cannot save mobile profile when description has special characters.
    • Added phone number format information to error message, when phone number is entered in wrongly.

    PSB team.


    PS. Currently this new release is deployed to emea2 and emea3 portals and it will be updated to rest of the portals during next week.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20



    a new release is being rolled out with following changes:

    • A new filter in device listing to separately list workstation, server and Mac computers. Device listing also has an "icon" to indicate to which group this device belongs to.
    • Fixed the problem that devices list cannot be loaded with Edge 40.15063.0.0 after Windows 10 creators update.
    • Fixed the send summary report to work for Solution Providers that have customized their portal.


    PSB team

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20



    a new  release is being rolled out with following changes:

    • Fixed the bug where scope selector disappears when searching for a partner/company that doesn't exist.
    • Changed order of reports, so that monthly subscription usage report is always the last one on the reports page.

    PSB team

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20



    a new release with lot of internal changes preparing for the upcoming Computer Protection client is being rolled out. For current users there is only following change:

    • New device icons in the device listing and filter.


    PSB team.


    PS. There seems to be sometimes problem that after the session expiration, you do not get automatically logged out, but instead page loading just gives errors. Refreshing the page or pressing logout and re-login will fix the problem.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20



    > PS. There seems to be sometimes problem that after the session expiration, you do

    > not get automatically logged out


    we rolled out a fix for this problem this morning and you should not anymore see problems with session expiring not logging you out automatically.


    PSB Team.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20



    one more small release with lot of internal changes before we start opening the Computer Protection for everyone. This release has following improvement:

    • Devices tab state is persisted in browsing the portal and also between the re-freshes and logins.

    PSB team.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20



    a new release is now being rolled out with two major changes.


    First of all, we are now enabling the new Computer Protection client to be available for all Solution Provider accounts. Solution providers can then decide, if they want to enable it also for the companies under them. computer-protection-main.png

    Computer Protection is a totally new Windows client based on newer technologies tested in our consumer product F-Secure Safe. Here are the main new features in Computer Protection.

    • Anti-Malware protection using the latest F-Secure "Ultra Core" technology from the F-Secure Lab
    • Silent upgrades between Computer Protection versions without need for restarts. Upgrade from PSB workstation will still reboot. 
    • New profile management system without the settings inheritance from parent profiles.
    • Remotely managed Microsoft Firewall.

    More details about the Computer Protection are available in this community post.


    Installer can be download from downloads page, once you have logged in. It is not yet available from public downloads page.











    Secondly this release brings in the support for new Computer Protection for Mac client. This new Mac version is starting to build the base for a remote managed Mac client. In the first phase it is starting to send the infection alerts to PSB portal same way as the Windows client has been doing.


    PSB Team


    PS. There is very annoying bug with the handling of "blacklisted" Computer Protection devices in this release: if you delete a computer with Computer Protection from portal and then go clear the subscription, this computer will return to portal, but it is never able to fetch new profiles. So only way recover from this is to uninstall the Computer Protection and then make a new installation. We are working on a fix for this.

  • PetriKuikka
    PetriKuikka Posts: 236 Threat Terminator
    edited 2024 20



    a new release with critical fix for Computer Protection profile assignments and remote actions not working in reliable manner especially on EMEA/PSB1 portal has been released and already deployed last night to EMEA/PSB1 portal. We will deploy this to rest of the systems in beginning of next week.


    Other main changes in this release were:

    • If Computer Protection is enabled for the companies, user gets an email with link to Computer Protection installer when adding a device.
    • Computer Protection profile tab and download link are now hidden by default for the Service Partner level accounts and only come visible once Solution Provider enables these to companines.


    PSB Team
