How to allow a local user to unload / disable / turn off all security features of WithSecure Client Security and Server Security through Policy Manager?
Follow these steps to allow local users to unload / disable WithSecure Client Security and Server Security security features on their computer:
- Log in to the Policy Manager Console
- Select a host or policy domain from the domain tree
- Go to the Settings tab
- Go to the Windows > Centralized management settings page
- In the Bypassing product security section, for Allow users to unload products, select Allowed always from the drop-down menu
- Distribute the policies (Ctrl + D)
Now the users can unload / disable / turn off Client Security security features locally on their computers.
How to disable locally on Client Security or Server Security clients:
- Open the Client Security or Server Security local user interface
- Click on the More options icon (three dots)
- Click Turn off all security features
Article no: 000006262