How to increase the logging level (enable debug logging) of a Client Security or Server Security host via Policy Manager Console?
Note: These steps require Policy Manager Console 15.10 or later.
You can increase the logging level via the following setting in the Policy Manager Console:
- Log in to the Policy Manager Console
- Select a host or policy domain from the domain tree
- Go to the Settings tab (standard view)
- Go to the Centralized management settings page
- In the Logging section, change the Client logging level to Debug
Doing this will enable the following on the Windows endpoint client:
- Full debug logging in the product logs.
- Collect the API tracing log (fssua.opswat_api.log) and debug log (C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Client Security\swup\v4DebugInfo*.log) for the Software Updater feature.
After enabling debug logging, reproducing the issue and collecting the logs by running the Support Tool, you should lower the logging level by switching the client logging level back to "Info" and distribute the policy. When debug logging is enabled, the product will use more resources.
Article no: 000035180