FSMAUTIL is no longer available for WithSecure Business Suite Server Security / Client Security 15.x or 16.x, how do I reset the host's unique ID (UID)?
In WithSecure Server Security/Client Security 15.x, there is a new tool introduced called resetuid.exe to reset the host identity. This tool will replace FSMAUTIL (F-Secure Management Agent Utility) for both the products. The tool can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Client Security\BusinessSuite\ (Client Security 15.x) or
C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Server Security\BusinessSuite (Server Security 15.x).
Check the Help page for the procedure.
RESETUID SHOWUID Shows the host Unique Identity currently in use.
RESETUID RESETUID {SMBIOSGUID | RANDOMGUID | WINS | MAC} [APPLYNOW] Schedules regeneration of the host Unique Identity using one of the specified methods:
- RANDOMGUID - uses randomly generated GUID
- WINS - uses WINS (NetBIOS) name
- MAC - uses MAC (ethernet card) address
- APPLYNOW - If the product is running, requests to apply new Unique Identity immediately. Otherwise, it is applied to the next start of the product.
Article no: 000008416