Linux Security 64 failed to be installed successfully and the installation process is stuck at "Installing BaseGuard" stage
During the installation of Linux Security 64, it will connect to the Policy Manager Server and check for the latest database updates. If Policy Manager Server does not have the latest database updates and the internet connection is blocked for such update, then the installation of Linux Security 64 will fail. Therefore, it is important to enable the internet connection for Policy Manager Server so that the database update could be done successfully which contributes to the successful installation of Linux Security 64.
Other than that, make sure that the connection between Linux Security 64 and Policy Manager Server could be established successfully.
You could verify the connection to the Policy Manager Server is working successfully by using a web browser or command line as below.
In case of web browser:
1. Open any browser.
2. Enter the following URL with a hostname or IP address of Policy Manager Server.
https://<name or IP address for the Policy Manager Server>:443
3. Check the result whether the following message is displayed.
"If you see this message, Policy Manager Server is installed and is working fine."
In case of command line:
1. Run the following command on Terminal.
curl --insecure https://<name or IP address for the Policy Manager Server>:443
2. Check the result whether the following message is displayed.
"If you see this message, Policy Manager Server is installed and is working fine."
If you could see the message above, it means that the connection to the Policy Manager Server could be done successfully.
If other message is displayed, you need to check your network or firewall settings as it is blocking the connection.
Article no: 000016210