Error "Cannot load the page" during logon to the WithSecure Elements Security Center portal at
If you are getting this error page, perform the browser reload using the "Ctrl + F5" keys. Ctrl + F5 is a keyboard shortcut to reloads the web page including the browser cache. It retrieves the fresh web content. This will help to refresh the Elements Security Center portal page.
Check if any of steps below help:
- Switch to different web browser
- Clear the web browser cache
- Start the Chrome/Edge browser in Incognito/InPrivate mode without any extensions enabled
If the above-mentioned does not help, you can try logging in to the portal on a different device, connecting through a different network, and see how it goes. Sometimes, the connectivity is blocked by the proxy/firewall in the network.
In case issue remains, then the issue could be a temporary problem on the portal side. Please wait for 1 hour and try again. If issue remains after 1 hour you can open a support request.
Article no: 000039683