Multiple installation of Internet Gatekeeper(IGK) shows ORSP "orspservice.service failed"
Starting F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper HTTP proxy: Starting F-Secure ORSP client daemon (OrspService): Starting F-Secure Update Daemon (fsupdated): Starting F-Secure Anti-Spam Daemon (fsasd): Starting F-Secure Anti-Virus daemon (fsavd): Starting F-Secure Automatic Update Agent (fsaua): [ OK ]
Starting F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper Web UI (fsigkwebui): [ OK ]
[ OK ]
[ OK ]
[ OK ]
Job for fsigk2_orspservice.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status fsigk2_orspservice.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
[ OK ]
This is know issue which doesn't have to be solved. Second ORSP service for copied installation fails due to conflict with existing ORSP service.
Second installation of Internet Gatekeeper will use existing ORSP service after the service start failure.
Article no: 000033655