Policy Manager warns that the latest virus definition update is several days old
Issue: WithSecure Policy Manager is warning on the Server events for the last 24H event list that the latest virus definition update is several days old. Resolution: If the WithSecure Policy Manager Server is showing this event on the dashboard: * Make sure that you have upgraded both the Policy Manager and the clients to…
Login to Email and Server Security 14.x/15.x Web Console not working, page not displayed
Issue: When I am trying to login to the Email and Server Security 14.x or 15.x WebUI (Web Console) via the browser using the address or https://localhost:25023, a message is shown that the page cannot be displayed. Resolution: Set up the Binding in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager To…
Do DeepGuard exclusions accept Windows environment variables or wildcards when the exclusion is created through WithSecure Policy Manager?
Issue: Do DeepGuard exclusions accept Windows environment variables or wildcards when the exclusion is created through WithSecure Policy Manager? Resolution: DeepGuard exclusions for WithSecure Client Security, Server Security and Email and Server Security products support wildcards for DeepGuard exclusions. Follow these…
Security Cloud Client is not connected on Server Security / Client Security
Issue: Security Cloud Client is not connected on Server Security / Client Security Resolution: You need to ensure that the affected F-Secure host is allowed to connect to the URL: * * https://a.karma.sc2.fsapi.com * * https://api.doorman.fsapi.com You can try to open https://a.karma.sc2.fsapi.com/healthcheck and…
Does Policy Manager Console have activity logging (audit trail / auditing)?
Issue: Does Policy Manager create and maintain an audit log for user and admin activity? For example for these events: * User login / logoff * Host deletion / add / rename events * Policy sub-domain deletion / add / rename events * Change of policy settings Resolution: The Policy Manager Server logs can be found in the…
How to block an application using Application Control ?
Issue: * How to create an Application control rule in WithSecure Policy Manager Console which blocks an application? * What 'condition' should be used for example to block Microsoft Office using Application Control? Resolution: The WithSecure Application Control feature is included in WithSecure Client Security 15 Premium…
Unable to release items from quarantine using Email and Server Security web console
Issue: 1) Unable to release items from quarantine using WithSecure Email and Server Security web console. When user selects the item from quarantine and clicks release, nothing happens and the item remains in quarantine. No visible error notification is shown. 2) Unable to release quarantine emails with error reported to…
Client Security is not receiving updates from Policy Manager via proxy (PMP or http) or direct connection
Issue: Via proxy or direct connection, Client Security is not receiving updates from Policy Manager. The following errors are visible in C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\Log\AUA\AUA.log: Connecting to http://<Policy Manager IP address>/guts2/ via http proxy <Proxy IP address> Update check failed. There was an error connecting…
How to replace the default self-signed Policy Manager certificate with a trusted certificate authority (CA) created certificate?
Issue: How can I replace the default self-signed Policy Manager certificate with a trusted certificate authority (CA) created certificate? Resolution: Assume that you have: * The signed or maybe self-signed certificate (with full chain of intermediate CA) and private key for it inside PKCS12 Keystore. * It is protected…
After upgrade to Policy Manager 15.00 or 15.01, Client Security or Email and Server Security hosts show disconnected status or are missing in console (error 12175)
Issue: After upgrading to Policy Manager 15.x, Client Security or Server Security hosts show disconnected status or are missing in the Policy Manager Console. AsyncSendRequest SSL fail: 12175 is logged in the pmpselectorplugin.log or nrb.log: I: UpdatablePmCertVerifier::RenewCertificates: Renewing certificates from…