How do I automate and schedule reports in Policy Manager?
Issue: How do I automate and schedule reports in Policy Manager? Resolution: You can configure Web Reporting to send regular reports by email to one or more recipients. To send the reports by email, you need to enter the mail server details in Policy Manager Console. To do this: * Select Tools > Server configuration and…
How can I reset the host UID for Policy Manager Proxy?
Issue: When using image files to distribute product installations, how can I reset the host UID for Policy Manager Proxy to prevent duplicate hosts appearing in Policy Manager? Resolution: If you use image files to distribute product installations, you need to make sure that there are no unique ID conflicts. For Policy…
What are the main differences between WithSecure Linux Security 64 and WithSecure Linux Security 11.x?
Issue: What are the main differences between WithSecure Linux Security 64 and WithSecure Linux Security 11.x? Resolution: Linux Security 64 is a native 64-bit application, however there are some differences compared to the previous released version Linux Security 11.x, most notably: * no support for Protection Service for…
After installation, user is unable to launch Policy Manager Console "The item referred by this shortcut cannot be accessed. You may not have the appropriate permissions".
Issue: After installation, user is unable to launch Policy Manager Console and they receive error: "The item referred by this shortcut cannot be accessed. You may not have the appropriate permissions". Resolution: The setup wizard creates the user group FSPM users. The user who was logged in and ran the installer is…
Unable to change Management Server Address for Client Security or Server Security hosts (Keyreplacer)
Issue: Unable to change Management Server Address on Client Security or Server Security hosts because the public and private admin keys do not match. Need to migrate hosts between two Policy Manager Servers without having to do a re-installation of the software client side. How can the management key file (admin.pub) on…
How do I enable / disable WithSecure Browsing Protection through WithSecure Policy Manager?
Issue: I need to enable or disable the Browsing Protection feature on some client, how can I do it centrally using Policy Manager Console? Resolution: * Open Policy Manager Console * Select a host or policy domain * Go to the Settings tab * Go to the Browsing Protection settings page * Uncheck the box to Disable or Enable…
How to setup the silent installation for Policy Manager Proxy?
Issue: * How to setup the silent installation for Policy Manager Proxy * User is creating a policy-based upgrade and needs to export installer msi for rollout via group policies Resolution: Note: These instructions are not valid for version 16 and later. Clean installations: For Windows * Open Policy Manager Console and…
How can I exclude certain update from Software Updater in Policy Manager?
Issue: User wants to exclude a specific software update from WithSecure Software Updater automatic installation. Resolution: You can create a rule to exclude a certain software update from Software Updater automatic installation in Policy Manager Console by following these steps: * Log in to Policy Manager Console * Select…
"Authorization failed because the specified user credentials are invalid" error message when logging in to Policy Manager Console
Issue: User get the following error message when trying to log in to Policy Manager Console: Cannot connect to server: authorization failed because the specified user credentials are invalid. Resolution: Firstly, users must not be members of the Active Directory group "Protected Users". This prevents them from logging on…
How do I reset the admin password for Policy Manager Console?
Issue: I have forgotten my login password to WithSecure Policy Manager Console, how do I reset the admin password? Resolution: If you have lost the password for the admin user, or if the account was accidentally deleted, you can reset the admin account for Policy Manager on Windows by following the steps below: For 15.x…