How to change Elements Collaboration Protection Exchange mailbox type between user and non-user?
Issue: How to change Elements Collaboration Protection Exchange online mailbox type between user and non-user? Resolution: The mailbox type listed in the Elements Collaboration Protection portal has to do with the type of Microsoft 365 tenant / account itself. There are no settings in Elements Collaboration Protection…
Does compromised account feature cover all users in Microsoft365 regardless of number of license on Elements Collaboration Protection? Or does it cover only users who have mailbox?
Issue: Does compromised account feature cover all users in Microsoft365 regardless of number of license on Elements Collaboration Protection? Or does it cover only users who have mailbox? Resolution: It will be the latter. Only users that have mailbox, PLUS it is protected by ECP, can be use this feature. So for example,…
What do private and public breach types mean in compromised account in Elements Collaboration Protection?
Issue: In compromised account, there's private and public as breach type shown in the detection detail page. What do those breach types mean? Resolution: Private - Breach details are not publicly available on the internet. Attackers are selling for cryptocurrency on Tor forums ("dark web") Public - Breach details are…
How to remove Exchange mailboxes from Elements Collaboration Protection?
Issue: How to disable or turn off protection for a specific / certain / single mailbox for Elements Collaboration Protection? Resolution: You can remove mailboxes from being protected by following these steps: * Login to the Elements Collaboration Protection portal * Select Cloud services on the sidebar * Select Configure…
Does Elements Collaboration Protection use generative AI?
Issue: Does Elements Collaboration Protection(ECP) use generative AI? Resolution: ECP does not use Generative AI. Article no: 000045777
Getting a message of "Refresh permissions to Exchange to support the latest features and improvements" on Elements Collaboration Protection portal. What needs to be done to solve this?
Issue: Getting a message of "Refresh permissions to Exchange to support the latest features and improvements" on Elements Collaboration Protection portal. What needs to be done to solve this? Resolution: You need to revisit the Microsoft consent popup by disconnecting and reconnecting Exchange on our Collaboration…
Unable to delete, modify or edit Elements Collaboration Protection policy due to it being read-only or having public visibility
Issue: Unable to delete, modify or edit Elements Collaboration Protection policy due to it being read-only or having public visibility. Resolution: If a Elements Collaboration Protection policy has the Read-only tag or Public visibility. it means that it either has been created on the partner level or it is a default…
Elements Collaboration Protection - Quarantined Emails Goes Back to Quarantine After Release
Issue: Quarantined emails goes back to quarantine immediately after released. Resolution: If verified False Positive, do Report the detection as a False Positive. Or create an exclusion as per steps; * Under Policies go to Real Time Scanning * Go to Malware Scanning * At the Scan Files option select "All, except excluded"…
How to add a website URL to trusted websites in Elements Collaboration Protection?
Issue: Is there a way to add a website URL to trusted websites in Elements Collaboration Protection? Resolution: It is possible to add a website URL to the trusted websites list within the Elements Collaboration Protection policy settings. Follow this instruction: 1. Log on to the WithSecure Elements portal 2. Go to…
Certain attachments are blocked by Elements Collaboration Protection due to disallowed content.
Issue: We have certain email attachments are blocked by Elements Collaboration Protection due to disallowed content. The files are clean and how do we solve it? Resolution: To resolve the blocked attachment due to the "Disallowed content" verdict, you can either allow the file extension or add the trusted sender email…