How can I check if specific vulnerability or CVE is covered in Elements Exposure Management (formerly known as Vulnerability Management)?
Option 1:
You can view if Elements Exposure Management has coverage for a specific vulnerability directly from the Elements portal:
- Login to Elements Elements Security Center:
- Open Environment section from the menu on the left
- If you are a partner, also navigate with the scope selector drop-down menu to the company level
- Navigate to the Exposure > Vulnerabilities coverage tab
- Expand the Filter by clicking on the arrow
- Select from the Vulnerabilities drop-down menu "CVE references" and enter the CVE number in question
- Click Apply to submit your search
Option 2:
You can check the vulnerability coverage directly in the Radar Update Service, for example:
The result is in raw JSON form (browsers should format it) and vulnerability information is contatined in the Definitions field ( [ ]
means empty array, when there is no such detection).
For prettier JSON formatting, you can consider to install an addon to your web browser, such as
Article no: 000041621