My Linux Radar Scan Node is not running, scanning or updating. I get the following error:
Engine update: Scan Node Agent does not contain the latest available (revision: 65388) vulnerability signatures and updates. Either the Scan Node Agent is not running or there is no network connectivity between the Scan Node and F-Secure Radar Update Service
Kindly take note of the operating system time, as it can impact the Radar Scan Node engine updates if the time is incorrect. You can enforce manual update of Radar scan engines by executing the following command:
- cd /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent
- sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll update-engines
If the step above did not resolve the issue, you can perform a reset operation that will cause the engines to be downloaded from scratch:
- cd /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent
- sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll reset-engines
Note: Radar Scan Engine update is not instant. By default, the update check is performed once per every 4 hours so it is recommended to monitor and check after 4 hours.
Article no: 000019604