Hi, is there any news on the problem. I have the same symtoms. BR
Hi, i want to know how can i update policy manager from version 14.20 to 14.41? Does it affects my end-point users that have client security 14.10 installed ?
The Script should find out if F-Secure is installed and when installed get the Version: This works for me: $fsecure= (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select DisplayName, DisplayVersion | findstr "F-Secure")$fver = (Get-ItemProperty…
Hi, is it OK to install F-secure Email and Server security, before I install exchange components on the server, or do I need to reinstall ess after exchange installation?
I can't seem to find a way to move an existing client into another folder in the domain tree of the policy manager.....
hi, we're using PM server and console 14.20, but the f-secure clients on the servers are still using 12.12. I just started working here in this company, so I don't know if this is an old or new issue, but I just noticed today the the PM server is very, very unresponsive due to java.exe running from C:\Program Files…
We still have a few Windows 2003 servers running (don't ask), and if I'm not mistaken, we need Server Security v11 for this. The problem is that I can't find a location where I can download this version. Does anyone know? thanks!
Hello, I was wondering how can increase the Default 10GB Cache Size for PM Proxy as in https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Business-Suite/Optimize-network-bandwidth-usage/ta-p/82415 it's mentioned in /etc/opt/f-secure/fspmp/conf/proxy.cfg, but I don't have such file? Many Thanks
hi, we need to install a hotfix and I already figured out how to do this (pushing the .jar to the servers with PM). However, I can't find any documentation on how to verify afterwards whether the hotfix was actually installed. How can we easily check this? Thanks!
Hi, Can somebody tell me exactly, when computer account found from active directory comes unmanaged in policy manager? For example is it unmanaged after disconnecting. I mean if disconnected hosts are removed after 14 days are those hosts unmanaged after that? ~ Jukka ~
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