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Change Elements EPP from old partner or uninstall/install?


We have a problem where our customer is moving from their old it support to our support.

Their old support does not respond when we asked them to release Elements EPP locked installation so we can uninstall Elements EPP and reinstall our new Elements EPP to get customer clients to our portal.

So, I tried to uninstall Elements EPP using administrator elevated command prompt, but it says that uninstall is prohibited. I tried to log in to computer as domain administrator, but still same error. I tried uninstall tool, but windows claims that "you don't have rights to run this program", even if I am logged as domain admin and use "run this program as admin".

I assumed that running withsecure services does not allow to execute uninstall script. But I cannot stop or disable withsecure services even with domain admin rights.

How can I uninstall elements EPP so I can replace it with our Elements client?

Computers are running windows 11 pro.
