Difference between two browser extentions
Hello, I have just installed WithSecure Elements EPP for computers and it offered me to install a browser addon "Browser protection by F-secure for Chrome, Edge and Firefox, however it didn't offer it for Opera. If I search Opera Store I cannot find any extensions by F-secure or WithSecure, but I did find: "Browsing…
Browsing protection on Mac OS not showing Google search result correctly if enabled
Hi, I noticed that if I enable Browsing Protection (3.0.44008) extension on Safari (15.6.1) when I do a Google search, all results that contain a preview are not showing correctly. As it's difficult to explain I'll attach an example with extension enabled and without. Thank you Kari
Use browser protection to block recently registered domains
Hello, Is there the possibility, or will there be the possibilty, to add a setting to browser protection that blocks domains registered within ____ number of days or weeks? This would help to block sites being spun up for the purpose of delivering malware/ransomware. Hopefully.
Browsing extension not enabled in Edge
Installation is successful by using the GPO, but the browsing extension is disabled (and greyed) in the browser. Tried other extensions with no problem, only the F-secure browsing extension is impacted. The extension is working fine on Chrome and Firefox. Followed this tutorial:…
How can a user enable the F-Secure browser extension on Microsoft Edge?
How can a user enable the F-Secure browser extension on Microsoft Edge?