How to disable Web Traffic Scanning (Advanced Network Protection) for Elements Endpoint Protection (EPP for Computers and EPP for Servers) in the portal?
The Advanced Network Protection feature is called Web Traffic Scanning in the Computer Protection PSB Portal profile.
You can disable or enable it by following these steps:
- Log in to the Elements Endpoint Protection Portal
- Go to the Profiles page
- Select the profile you want to edit
- Go to the Real-time scanning settings
- Disable or enable Web traffic scanning
NOTE: To enforce the setting, you will need to lock it. If the setting is not locked, local setting changes override the profile settings.
On the Real-time scanning settings page you will also find the Applications excluded from Web traffic scanning list where you can add a SHA-1 exclusion to exclude a single application from Web traffic scanning.
If it is a browser based application, you can instead exclude the address. This can be done in the Browsing protection settings by first enabling Web site exceptions and then adding the server address to the allowed sites list.
Article no: 000005411