How does WithSecure Elements Vulnerability Management count scanned unique IP addresses (license usage)?
Elements Vulnerability Management calculates a total number of unique IPs scanned for vulnerabilities in each and every Elements Vulnerability Management organization.
In general:
- Only vulnerability scans, in other words System Scans and Web Scans are taken into account. Discovery Scan and Internet Discovery searches in theory do not cost anything.
- 1 unique IP address scanned for vulnerabilities consumes 1 license from your subscription.
- You can re-scan the same IP without any additional costs, within the given billing period (monthly / yearly subscription).
- Scanning an offline IP address using System or Web Scan still utilizes one IP address slot from the subscription. To avoid the issue, always start with a Discovery Scan and use it as the automatic asset source for the Network Scan (System scan and Web Scan).
You can view the license usage in the Elements Vulnerability Management portal by:
- Log in to the Elements portal:
- Open the Vulnerability Management section from the menu on the left
- Go to the Settings page
- Go to the General settings tab
- Open the Subscription details section
- Check the In use column. For historical data, check the Subscription utilization list
Article no: 000012247