Is there any way to filter quarantined files by file name or URL in Exchange on Elements Collaboration Protection?
Issue: Is there any way to filter quarantined files by file name or URL in Exchange on Elements Collaboration Protection? It seems that other cloud services like SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams have a filter by file name, but there's no such filtering rule for Exchange. Resolution: Unfortunately it is not possible to filter…
How is severity of detection determined on Elements Collaboration Protection?
Issue: How is severity of detection determined on Elements Collaboration Protection? Resolution: Severity level indicates whether an administrator action is needed to mitigate the immediate risk. Low: No action is needed because the item is coming from a trusted source. Medium: No action is needed. The item was…
Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint files including malicious URL are detected in SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams on Elements Collaboration Protection
Issue: Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint files including malicious URL were detected in SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams. Malicious URL in text file(.txt) was not detected. Also, malicious URL shared in teams chat was not detected. Are these all expected bahavior? Resolution: This feature was implemented in our Security…
How to add trusted email sender in Elements Collaboration Protection?
Issue: How to add trusted email sender in Elements Collaboration Protection? Resolution: Follow these steps to add an email address as a trusted sender: * Log in to the Elements portal: https://elements.withsecure.com * Navigate to the Collaboration Protection > Policies page * On the Policies page, select the policy you…
Maximum number of URLs that can be configured Exchange > URL scanning in Collaboration Protection
Issue: Maximum number of URLs that can be configured Exchange policy in Collaboration Protecion Policies > Exchange > URL scanning > Trusted websites > Websites Policies > Exchange > URL scanning > Blocked websites > Websites Resolution: There is no maximum number of URLs. but there is an limit for the entire policy…
How to report a false positive or negative for Elements Collaboration Protection
Issue: How to report a false positive or negative for Elements Collaboration Protection? * Harmless website / link / webpage / attachment file blocked and email has been quarantined (false positive) * Harmful website / link / webpage / attachment file has been allowed through (false negative) Resolution: If you suspect the…
Why is no action taken by Elements Collaboration Protection to quarantine a high severity email detection?
Issue: Why does not Elements Collaboration Protection automatically quarantine a high severity email detection, but an email with a medium severity detection is quarantined? Resolution: The Elements Collaboration Protection Severity level indicates whether an administrator action is needed to mitigate the immediate risk. *…
Introducing Protection for Microsoft Teams
More and more organizations use Microsoft Teams for collaboration, including the sharing of documents. It is quite common for users to upload files into Microsoft Teams, to share with colleagues and customers, and this introduces some risks. If the user’s device does not have adequate anti-malware protection installed,…
WithSecure™ Elements Collaboration Protection – Protection for OneDrive
Threat landscape People go remote, files go to cloud Files are on the move. On-premise file servers are disappearing, being replaced by cloud storage services. One of the major services providing cloud storage is Microsoft 365, in use by many organizations globally. Cloud collaboration services such as OneDrive have become…