How to remotely change the subscription key of the Elements Endpoint Agent (EPP for Computers and EPP for Servers) via the Endpoint Protection Portal?
Follow these steps to remotely change a subscription key of a device using the Endpoint Protection Portal:
- Log into the Endpoint Security Center Portal:
- Open the Environment section from the menu on the left
- Go to the Devices page
- Select the devices (a menu will appear)
- Click on Change subscription
- Search for and select the subscription key from the drop-down list
- Click Change subscription
- For company level users, both the old and new subscription keys have to be on the same Elements company account. You cannot change the subscription key if the keys belong to two different company accounts.
- Users with SOP (Solution provider) or SEP(Service Partner) level access to the Elements Portal will be able to change subscription between company accounts if the accounts are both Partner Managed and listed under them. You need to have the Solution Provider/Service Partner level selected from the Scope-selector when you select the devices for Company A, so that the subscription for Company B is selectable in the Change subscription drop-down menu. (The listed subscription keys in the drop-down menu are based on the account you have selected from the scope-selector). A partner therefore needs to select their own Solution Provider/Service Partner account from the scope-selector drop-down menu and then go to the Devices page and add a Company name equals [customer name] filter to only show the one company's devices. After that you can select the devices and use the Change subscription operation.
- You cannot change subscriptions from Trial subscription key to another Trial subscription key.
On Windows devices, the subscription key, which the Elements Agent uses, can also be changed locally on a client or server using our ws_oneclient_logout.exe tool.
The tool can be found in the products installation folder.
- Open a Command Prompt as an administrator
- Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\PSB\
- Run the following command: ws_oneclient_logout.exe --keycode <subscription-key>
(Enter the subscription key between < >and then remove them)
The WithSecure Elements Agent installation will then immediately start using the new subscription key and connect to the correct Elements account.
On Mac OSX devices, the subscription key can be changed locally by following these steps:
- Open the Elements Agent local user interface
- Click Preferences
- Go to the Subscription tab
- Click on the lock and enter your administrator credentials
- Enter the new subscription key and click Set
Article no: 000007032