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F-Secure EPP and EDR: Even after restart, F-secure keeps asking for restart again and again.

pbhave Posts: 1 Security Scout

F-secure EPP and EDR

We have few users where F-secure gives a pop-up which says :

F-secure elements have received a critical update. To keep your protection up to date. please restart the computer.

However, even after restart, F-secure again give the same pop up. After multiple restarts the issue remains the same.

The f-secure client version is 22.2 and AV version 4.33.659.0

Windows version : Windows 10 professional (10.0.19041)

This is very annoying for users. and I am looking for the cause and solution for this issue


  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 206 W/ Former Staff


    If restarting your device does not fix the issue, you can proceed to follow the workarounds below to try to fix this:

    1. Run the FSAUA reset tool (available from
    2. Reboot the computer
    3. Right-click the F-Secure Elements Agent systray icon and click Check for updates

    If this does not resolve the issue, proceed to reinstall F-Secure Elements Agent. If the issue persists after reinstallation of the F-Secure Elements Agent, contact F-Secure Support. For us to investigate the issue further at our end, you need to provide debug logs.

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