Linux Security 11 processes and log files This article applies to the following F-Secure products: Business Suite Linux Security 11 and PSB Linux Security.
Below is a list of the persistent processes started by Linux Security 11. They are shown in the process list when you issue, for example the following command:
ps aux | grep f-secure
Programs marked with an asterisk (*) can appear multiple times on the process list. In addition, the "postmaster" process starts multiple "postgres" child processes that are not included here for clarity.
/bin/sh /opt/f-secure/common/postgresql/bin/
/bin/sh /opt/f-secure/fssp/bin/clstate_updated.rc
/bin/sh /opt/f-secure/fssp/libexec/fsupdated.rc
/opt/f-secure/common/perl/bin/perl /opt/f-secure/fsav/sbin/fsadhd
/opt/f-secure/common/perl/bin/perl -w /opt/f-secure/fsav/sbin/fsoasd
/opt/f-secure/fsav/libexec/fsaccd-x86_64 *
/opt/f-secure/fsav/libexec/fsoasd_bh *
/opt/f-secure/fsav/perl/bin/perl /opt/f-secure/fsav/bin/
/opt/f-secure/fsav/perl/bin/perl -w /opt/f-secure/fsav/bin/fsavpmd *
/opt/f-secure/fsav/perl/bin/perl -w /opt/f-secure/fsav/libexec/fslmalerter
/opt/f-secure/fssp/sbin/fsavd *
Below is the list of log files written by Linux Security 11 in normal operation:
Depending on the configuration, some processes and log files listed above may not be present at all. For example, the "clstate" process and log file appear only in PSB mode.