Devices are getting blocked. How can I grant access to specific devices on Policy Manager?
Issue: My devices are getting blocked. How can I grant access to specific devices on Policy Manager? Resolution: You can set rules to allow a specific device while all other devices under the same class are blocked. You need to know the hardware ID of the device that you want to allow before you can create a rule that…
How can I reset the host UID for WithSecure Server Security/Client Security?
Issue: FSMAUTIL is no longer available for WithSecure Business Suite Server Security / Client Security 15.x or 16.x, how do I reset the host's unique ID (UID)? Resolution: In WithSecure Server Security/Client Security 15.x, there is a new tool introduced called resetuid.exe to reset the host identity. This tool will…
How to configure F-Secure Policy Manager Server to listen on multiple TCP ports for HTTPS traffic
Issue: In default configuration, Policy Manager Server listens to HTTPS traffic on port 443. However, if there is a requirement for changing this port, clients connected to the Policy Manager may end up in state where they are no longer able to communicate with the server. Resolution: This article describes, how to…
How to change the alert settings for virus definitions in the Policy Manager?
Issue: Where do you change the settings about alerts and when virus definition updates are considered outdated (old)? Resolution: In order to change these parameters, do the following: * Log in to your Policy Manager Console * Select a host or policy domain from the domain tree * Go to Settings tab * Navigate to…
How to disable client fallback to the WithSecure update server from the Policy Manager?
Issue: We are in an isolated intranet environment and our clients/servers are not connected to internet. We are facing an issue that in times Client Security and Server Security clients change the update server details from default Policy Manager server URL to guts2.sp.f-secure.com. As the clients are not connected to…
How to discard changes to a policy in Policy Manager Console
Issue: I made policy settings changes which I do not wish to save and distribute to the hosts. How can I discard changes to a policy in Policy Manager Console? How to view the settings changes made to a certain policy before distribution? Resolution: You can discard the settings changes with the following steps: * Open the…
How to stop Linux Security 64 scheduled scan?
Issue: How to stop Linux Security 64 scheduled scan? fsanalyze command can be stopped by terminating that command/terminal. However, we cannot see the progress of scheduled scan in LS64. Resolution: Stop the LS64 service by using "master-switch" command. /opt/f-secure/fsbg/bin/master-switch ( on | off | status ) For…
How to set up firewall automatic selection in WithSecure Policy Manager
Issue: How does the firewall automatic selection in Policy Manager work? How to set up the automatic selection profile? Resolution: To set the firewall automatic selection profile changes to work, create the auto select rule based on conditions such as gateway IP, DNS, etc. As an example, when the Windows Firewall profile…
WithSecure Email and Server Security web console cannot be displayed
Issue: After WithSecure Email and Server Security installation is complete and I try to access the web console, I get this error: F-Secure Email and Server Security web console cannot be displayed This page cannot be displayed. Enable TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 in the advanced settings and try to connect again. If the…
Client Security or Server Security DataGuard feature blocks applications running from the Windows Users \ AppData folder
Issue: WithSecure Client Security or Server Security DataGuard blocks applications such as Firefox, OneDrive etc. that are installed to and running from the Users \ AppData folder on a Windows computer. Resolution: If the setting Discover trusted applications automatically is enabled, only applications that are installed…