Smart Search reports that search fails and there are repeated eid.general-errors in the MSG alert viewer
The errors have the following rawlog-data:
[] err src=admin mod=CloudSearch sub=getResults err="Service unavailable"
[] err src=admin MISUtil::getIndexList failed. Response code: 503. url: https://:10000/mis/_stats/store
These messages could be a result of the Smart Search service being stopped. This might be the result of a system update or patch causing the service to hang.
To check if the Smart Search service is running:
- Log in to the MSG Web UI
- Select the System-tab
- Navigate to System -> Servers using the left-side menu
- Click the plus-sign next to the server names to expand information about their running services (Smart Search by default runs on the configuration master)
- Check the status of the service pss
- If it is stopped, use the Start-button to the right in the action-column to attempt a restart. Trying this a few times might be needed
If the service doesn't start, open a support ticket. Also make sure that the following support IP-addresses can access the MSG-appliance on ports 22 and 10000: F-Secure Support / Kuala Lumpur F-Secure Support / HTC Helsinki Proofpoint Proofpoint Proofpoint
Article no: 000020989