WithSecure Product installation fails with error "conflicting Oneclient product already installed"
Issue: WithSecure Elements Agent, Business Suite Server/Client Security, or Countercept MDR installation fails with error "conflicting Oneclient product already installed" Resolution: This error indicates that a WithSecure Product has been previously installed on the computer. The uninstallation of the previous WithSecure…
Exclusions for applications running from temp folders not working
Issue: Exclusion rules under Application Control for applications running from Temp Folders does not work. Resolution: The rule might conflict with the default Application Control exclusion rules, such as: * Block malicious files in Temp folder * Block rare and unknown files in Temp folder * Block rare Dlls with unknown…
How do I exclude files and folders from Deepguard, if the files are located in the network drive?
Issue: * DeepGuard blocks the application. This was determined to be a high-risk application by system control heuristics. * After the file SHA-1 hash and file path is excluded in WithSecureClient Security 13.x/14.x/15.x, Deepguard continues to block the application Resolution: You can exclude the network drivers from…
Creating a memory dump file after getting a Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)
Issue: When my computer crashes to a Blue Screen of Death (BSod) and a normal fsdiag is not helping with the investigation, what else can I provide to F-Secure support? Resolution: In BSoD cases, a memory dump is very helpful to the investigation. You will find instructions below how to enable and collect a memory dump:…
How to turn 2-Step Verification on or off for WithSecure Business Account?
Issue: How to enable or disable multi-factor authentication for a WithSecure Business Account? Resolution: To enable multi-factor authentication: * Go to https://elements.withsecure.com * Log in with your Email address (or username) and password * Click on the user icon (top-right corner) * Select My Settings *…
A file owned or developed by the customer causes a false positive detection by WithSecure products
Issue: Customer's own (developed) file causes a false positive detection by the WithSecure products. Resolution: To solve the issue, firstly sign the file with a digital signature certificate and then submit the file to the WithSecure labs: * Open the Submit A Sample portal * Click Choose File and select the file to be…
There is a localization (language translation) error, typo, mistake or incorrect information in a WithSecure product, help user guide or website. Where can it be reported?
Issue: There is a localization (language translation) error, typo or incorrect information in an WithSecure product, help guide or website. Where can it be reported? Resolution: Open a support and provide a description and screenshots of the error. Article no: 000012245
How can a reseller partner decrease or increase the amount of licenses for an existing SaaS subscription in the Partner Portal?
Issue: How can a reseller partner decrease or increase the amount of licenses for an existing SaaS subscription in the Partner Portal? Resolution: * Click the Ordering-tab from the main menu, then click Saas from the sub-menu * Click New SaaS Order * For an existing customer, start typing the customer name into Search or…
How can a reseller partner decrease or increase the number of licenses for an existing yearly subscription in Partner Portal?
Issue: How can a reseller partner decrease or increase the number of licenses for an existing yearly subscription in Partner Portal? Resolution: A reseller partner can only decrease the number of licenses within the renewal window = 90 days from the license expiry date. License reduction for Yearly license can be done by…
Real-time scanning is not enabled on a MacOS Mojave (10.14) or later MacOS computer
Issue: This article applies to the following WithSecure products: Elements Agent for Mac, Client Security for Mac WithSecure product is installed on a Mac computer but the user interface shows that computer is not protected and that the real-time scanning is not activated. Resolution: After installation of the Mac product…