What ports are used for communication between Policy Manager and Linux Security 64 ?
Issue: What ports are used for communication between Policy Manager Server and Linux Security 64 ? Resolution: Check connectivity from host to Policy Manager Server using HTTP Browser. If your Linux host does not have GUI, check connectivity using these commands: curl -o https-host -k https://:PMS_address:port_number curl…
How to install only Policy Manager Console 16.00
Issue: How can I install Policy Manager Console 16.00 as stand-alone, so that it installs only the Console and not also Policy Manager Server? Resolution: You can install Policy Manager Console separately by using msiexec.exe with NOSERVER=true parameter. Example command: msiexec.exe /i…
When creating Client Security or Server Security 16 installer, HTTP/HTTPS ports and Policy Manager server addresses are grayed out
Issue: When performing export/push installation/upgrade from previous Client Security or Server Security version to version 16 from Policy Manager Console, the HTTP, HTTPS and Policy Manager Server address in the installation / export wizard are greyed / grayed out. Resolution: This is by design. The Policy Manager Server…
Policy Manager Server upgrade to 16.00 fails if previous 15 version installation is not on default C:\ drive
Issue: Policy Manager Server upgrade to 16.00 fails if previous 15 version installation is not on default C:\ drive. If for example Policy Manager Server has been installed on the E:\ drive, the upgrade fails and after launching Policy Manager Console, user in greeted with an empty policy Domain Tree. During the 15.x ->…
Network addresses for WithSecure on-premise products
UPDATE 2024-09-06: Added a note to highlight that product functionality can be affected if access to these network addresses is not allowed UPDATE 2024-01-25: Updated references to aspam.sp.f-secure.com For many customers, WithSecure products will function correctly without needing to know which servers the products…
Unable to launch the F-Secure Policy Manager Console 15.30
Issue: The user is unable to launch F-Secure Policy Manager Console Resolution: To try to resolve this issue, try the following troubleshooting steps in order. 1. If the Policy Manager Console settings-file gets corrupted, Policy Manager Console might fail to start. To fix this issue, try deleting the following file.…
Policy Manager Console 15.30 could not launch on a computer with NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) screen reader installed
Issue: NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) user is unable to start / run Policy Manager Console after upgrading to or installing version 15.30 Resolution: We have tested and found that Policy Manager Console 15.30 JRE is some how missing some accessibility support. While the R&D team is working on getting this fixed on the…
SSH connection is blocked after the installation of F-Security Linux Security. What are the root cause and solution for this issue?
Issue: SSH connection is blocked after the installation of F-Security Linux Security. What are the root cause and solution for this issue? Resolution: By default, firewall feature of F-Secure Linux Security is enabled automatically with the firewall profile of "Office" after the product installation. Due to this, it is…
PDF report sent from scheduled reporting in Policy Manager 15.x is empty
Issue: I receive the PDF report sent from scheduled reporting in Policy Manager 15.x. However, when I attempt to open the PDF report attached in the mail, the PDF report is empty and does not show any information. Resolution: To workaround the issue, we recommend importing the Policy Manager CA to the trusted root: Run the…
How to free up the subscription usage for a Endpoint Detection and Response for Business Suites key?
Issue: How to release a license to free up the subscription usage for a Endpoint Detection and Response for Business Suites subscription key? Resolution: For Client Security/Server Security 16.x, you can do the following through the Policy Manager Console: 1. Select the target domain. 2. Go to the Settings tab, and in…