Hi, I don't understand how the Software Updater is supposed to be working (in fact for the moment it doesn't really work). If I activate automatic updates, let's say for critical updates, then it will install all critical patches, right ? Then what's the point in including anything in the "Include software for automatic…
Some Server Protection Premium clients are shown as "critical" because portal shows that client has "very old" malware definitions. When I check the server, everything is up to date and fine. But that data is not refreshed in PSB portal. In PSB portal some computer protection clients are shown to have version 20.1 but in…
Hi. I miss a possibility to set the software updater in report only mode. I had some problems where manual updates were pushed to servers with a mistake and resulted in breakdown. I would like to have the reports but also prevent manual updates to some servers. Regards Carsten
Security events don't show the URL that was blocked. Where can I see what websites users are attempting to access, so I can allow a site, question why it's needed, or discuss why the site is inappropriate?
Hello, We have been getting F-Secure deletion notification for ReaderDCManifest3.msi from the Adobe ARM folder. Anyone had same issue? Can anyone tell me if this is a legitimate file? F-Secure Protection Service for Business has identified the following security incidents: Time|Account|Host|Infection|Action|Type|Infected…
Hello! i am writing a script to read the settings, if user had deactivated the setting. The only thing i found is the regystrykey "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge\PreferenceMACs\Default\extensions.settings\jmjjnhpacphpjmnnlnccpfmhkcloaade" On my PC it has following values:…
We currently facing a error by installing F-Secure Protection Service for Business we have followed the knowledge base articles but we are getting errors. Currently we are using Symantec Endpoint Manager and we tried to deinstall this product with the removal tool of F-Secure . The Group policy for this looks like: The…
Hi there, while it was quite easy to make the F-Secure Proxy work for antivirus updates, I cannot make it work for Software Updates. I cannot find a good "how-to" on the documentation. I'm on a AD domain, with the F-Secure proxy installed on a server. I've tried to import the proxy certificate to my clients machines (and…
Hello, I want to install the server protection on a Linux server running under CentOS 8. But I get the following error when trying to install the product: # /opt/f-secure/linuxsecurity/bin/activate --psb --subscription-key XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Installing F-Secure Linux Security... Installing F-Secure BaseGuard...…
Afternoon all, When can we expect to have patches released and available to be pushed out for the above CVE's? Thanks, Liam
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