How do I install a hotfix for Windows Business Suite products?
Issue: How do I install a hotfix for Windows Business Suite products? Resolution: You can do the following via the Policy Manager Console to install a hotfix for Windows Business Suite products: 1. Import the downloaded jar file into the Policy Manager Console, and export as MSI installer(which you can then execute the…
How to disable or enable Client Security automatic updates in the local user interface and via Policy Manager Console?
Issue: How to disable or enable automatic updates locally and via Policy Manager Console? Resolution: For Client Security clients, you can disable automatic updates by following these steps: * Log into Policy Manager Console * Highlight a host or policy domain from the domain tree * Go to the Settings tab * Go to…
How to allow Client Security or Server Security to download updates from back-end when product is unable to connect to Policy Manager
Issue: How to allow Business Suite Client Security or Server Security client to download malware definition updates from back-end update server when product is unable to connect to Policy Manager Server? Resolution: By default, the client will failover to the Withsecure / F-Secure update server, guts2.sp.f-secure.com, when…
WithSecure Policy Manager Proxy gives error "Error: CA certificate verification failed" or "RA not issued by CA", when running fspmp-enroll-tls-certificate.bat
Issue: I executed fspmp-enroll-tls-certificate.bat for Policy Manager Proxy and it gives me the error "Error: CA certificate verification failed" or "RA not issued by CA". Resolution: This error can occur if the server's Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) is not up to date. You can follow the steps below on the…
Email and Server Security - How to submit false positive/negative email
Issue: I have several emails being incorrectly classified by the WithSecure Spam Scanner, how can I submit a sample of the emails to WithSecure for investigation? Resolution: If your email messages were incorrectly classified by our Email and Server Security spam scanner, we would like to receive an original copy of the…
How to create a targeted scheduled scan in Policy Manager for Client Security clients?
Issue: How to create a targeted scheduled scan in Policy Manager for WithSecure Client Security and Server Security clients? Resolution: You can create a targeted scheduled scan by following these steps: * Log in to Policy Manager Console * Select the host or domain from the Domain Tree * Go to the Settings tab * Go to the…
Policy Manager warns that the latest virus definition update is several days old
Issue: WithSecure Policy Manager is warning on the Server events for the last 24H event list that the latest virus definition update is several days old. Resolution: If the WithSecure Policy Manager Server is showing this event on the dashboard: * Verify that the server is able to connect to the WithSecure Update…
Login to Email and Server Security 14.x/15.x Web Console not working, page not displayed
Issue: When I am trying to login to the Email and Server Security 14.x or 15.x WebUI (Web Console) via the browser using the address or https://localhost:25023, a message is shown that the page cannot be displayed. Resolution: Set up the Binding in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager To…
Do DeepGuard exclusions accept Windows environment variables or wildcards when the exclusion is created through WithSecure Policy Manager?
Issue: Do DeepGuard exclusions accept Windows environment variables or wildcards when the exclusion is created through WithSecure Policy Manager? Resolution: DeepGuard exclusions for WithSecure Client Security, Server Security and Email and Server Security products support wildcards for DeepGuard exclusions. Follow these…
Security Cloud Client is not connected on Server Security / Client Security
Issue: Security Cloud Client is not connected on Server Security / Client Security Resolution: You need to ensure that the affected F-Secure host is allowed to connect to the URL: * * https://a.karma.sc2.fsapi.com * * https://api.doorman.fsapi.com You can try to open https://a.karma.sc2.fsapi.com/healthcheck and…