Customers who have Windows Terminal Servers, or other virtualized desktop environments such as Citrix, can now protect these servers with PSB Server Protection. This client software provides comprehensive protection, which can be managed from the PSB Portal.
As the usage pattern of a terminal server provides much more than on a basic fileserver, F-Secure requires customers to purchase an additional subscription for protection, on top of the basic subscription.
F-Secure Remote Desktop Protection is a supplementary license which grants the customer the right to protect a set number of users concurrently on these terminal servers
Example 1:
A customer has a one server
- Citrix Server which allows 20 simultaneous users to connect.
The customer will need to purchase:
- 1 subscription of F-Secure Server Protection for the base installation
- 20 subscriptions of F-Secure Remote Desktop Protection to cover the usage
Example 2:
A customer has 3 servers.
- One is a basic fileserver
- One is a Citrix server with 20 simultaneous users
- One is a Citrix server with 40 simultaneous users.
The customer will need to purchase:
- 1 subscription of F-Secure Server Protection for the fileserver
- 2 subscriptions of F-Secure Server Protection for the Citrix servers
- 60 subscriptions of F-Secure Remote Desktop Protection to cover the usage.
Benefits of using F-Secure Server Protection
When using F-Secure Server Protection, the customer can enjoy the following functionality
- Managed Firewall
- Device Control
- Ability to schedule tasks
And with F-Secure Server Protection Premium
- Dataguard
- Application Control