Elements Endpoint Protection - DataGuard feature blocks Windows processes and applications installed in the Windows Users or AppData folder
Issue: When the DataGuard features Access control and Discover trusted applications automatically are enabled for Elements EPP for Computers/Servers, DataGuard blocks Windows processes and applications installed in the Windows Users, AppData or System32 folder. The Security Events tab in the Elements Security Center shows…
Error: "The verification code that you entered is incorrect" when entering two factor authentication code during Elements portal login
Issue: User has entered a valid 2-step authentication code from their mobile authentication application, but receive "The verification code that you entered is incorrect. Try again." error when trying to login to the F-Secure Elements portals. Resolution: If you have entered the correct code within the allowed time frame…
Emails sent from Elements portal do not arrive to the recipient user and are sent to spam or quarantined
Issue / Symptoms: Emails sent from Elements Security Center / Elements portal from no-reply@withsecure.com or other withsecure.com addresses do not arrive to recipient Microsoft Office 365 users and are quarantined. Example actions where email does not arrive to recipient users and are quarantined: When sending the…
How to exclude specific software updates from Software Updater in WithSecure Elements Endpoint Protection?
Issue: How to create an exclusion for a certain software update with the WithSecure Software Updater feature in the Elements Endpoint Protection Portal for EPP for Computers or EPP for Servers devices? I do not want to have Software Updater installing updates automatically or have the user manually installing the update…
Introducing Server Share Protection
We are happy to introduce a new feature to our WithSecure Elements EPP for Servers product, called Server Share Protection, which significantly enhances the existing ransomware protection. Background For several years already, our products have already had outstanding protection against ransomware and other malware, with…
F-Secure Hoster and F-Secure Hoster (restricted) service no longer found after upgrading to Elements Agent version 22.7
Issue: After upgrading Elements Endpoint Protection Agent client to version 22.7, a user or monitoring software is unable to find F-Secure Hoster and F-Secure Hoster (restricted) service on the device. On device(s) with Elements Agent version 22.6 or earlier installed, these services are still there. Hence, monitoring tool…
WithSecure Windows endpoint client has created multiple subfolders in C:\Users\All Users\F-Secure\NS\default and C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\NS\default
Issue: WithSecure Windows endpoint client has created multiple subfolders in C:\Users\All Users\F-Secure\NS\default and C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\NS\default The subfolders seem to be looping in an NS\default\NS\default pattern. Resolution: This is by design. The junction is part of product migration logic from an old version…
How to block or allow websites with the Elements Endpoint Protection Browsing protection feature?
Issue: How to block or allow (exclude) websites with the Elements Endpoint Protection Browsing protection feature, Can it also be done using the local WithSecure client user interface without having to do so from the Elements Endpoint Protection portal? Resolution: Follow the steps below to either block a website or allow…
Elements Endpoint Protection Software Updater is showing "Excluded from automatic installation" for Critical Updates that are not excluded in Profiles
Issue: I have an issue with Elements Endpoint Protection (EPP for Computers or EPP for Servers) Software Updater, where one or more updates are not auto-updating due to the status "Excluded from the automatic installation", even though these updates are not excluded in the Software Updater list of the profile that…
Remove permanently button grayed out when multiple devices are selected in the Elements Endpoint Protection Portal Devices list
Issue: When multiple devices have been selected in the Elements Endpoint Protection Portal Devices list, only Move to blocklist can be selected while Remove permanently has been grayed out. Resolution: This is by design. The Move to blocklist will remove the device from the list, release the license and move the device to…